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How to Copy Formulas to Another Sheet Excel VBA

Excel VBA is a very powerful tool that allows you to programmatically copy formulas from one sheet to another. In this article, we will show you how to use Excel VBA to copy formulas to another sheet.

We will first create a simple macro that will copy a formula from one cell to another cell on the same sheet. We will then modify the macro so that it will copy the formula to a different sheet.

Getting Started

When you record a macro, Excel will automatically generate VBA code that you can use to replicate the actions that you recorded. You can also manually write VBA code to achieve the same results. In this article, we will show you how to do both.

Recording a Macro

To record a macro, follow these steps:

1. Open the workbook that contains the sheet with the formulas that you want to copy.

2. Press the “Record Macro” button on the “Developer” tab. If you don’t see the “Developer” tab, click here to learn how to add it.

3. Enter a name for your macro and choose a shortcut key if desired.

4. Click “OK”.

5. Select the cell with the formula that you want to copy.

6. Press “Ctrl” + “C” to copy the selected cell.

7. Select the cell where you want to paste the copied formula.

8. Press “Ctrl” + “V” to paste the copied formula.

9. Press the “Stop Recording” button on the “Developer” tab.

Your macro is now ready to use! To run it, simply press the shortcut key that you assigned to it, or click the “Macros” button on the “Developer” tab and select your macro from the list.

Manually Writing VBA Code

You can also achieve the same results by writing a few lines of VBA code. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the workbook that contains the sheet with the formulas that you want to copy.

2. Press “Alt” + “F11” to open the Visual Basic Editor.

3. Click “Insert” > “Module”.

4. Enter the following code into the module:

Sub CopyFormula()

Dim sourceRange As Range

Dim targetRange As Range

Set sourceRange = Range(“A1”) ‘Change A1 to your formula cell

Set targetRange = Range(“B1”) ‘Change B1 to your desired paste cell

targetRange.Formula = sourceRange.Formula

End Sub

5. Press “F5” to run the code.

Your formula should now be copied to the desired cell!

Modifying the Macro to Copy Formulas to Another Sheet

The macro that we recorded in the previous section will only copy formulas within the same sheet. However, you can easily modify it to copy formulas to another sheet. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the workbook that contains the sheet with the formulas that you want to copy.

2. Press “Alt” + “F11” to open the Visual Basic Editor.

3. Double-click on your macro in the list on the left side of the screen. The code for your macro will appear on the right side.

4. Find the following line of code:

Set targetRange = Range(“B1”) ‘Change B1 to your desired paste cell

5. Change “B1” to the cell on the other sheet where you want to paste the formula, using this format: SheetName!CellAddress. For example, if you want to paste the formula into cell B2 on a sheet named “Sheet2”, you would change the code to this:

Set targetRange = Sheets(“Sheet2”).Range(“B2”)

6. Press “F5” to run the code. Your formula should now be copied to the other sheet!

Final Thoughts

After reading this article, you should now know how to copy formulas to another sheet using Excel VBA. You can use the recorded macro as is, or modify it to suit your needs. If you want to learn more about Excel VBA, check out our other articles on the subject!

This is the end of the tutorial.

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