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MediaRename: Easily Find Correct Names For Stored TV Series & Movies

Nowadays, when storage devices with huge capacities are easily and cheaply available in the market, it is not unusual for one to have stored large number of TV series and movies. Organizing these TV series and movies can be a bit of a hassle if you have a lot of media stored in your hard disk. One of the most common problems while downloading TV series is that they are not properly named. Checking each media file separately and renaming it to the proper name can take up a lot of your time. Instead of doing it manually, try MediaRenamer. It is an open source application for Windows that allows you to easily rename movies and TV series media files stored in your computer. It lets you scan folders containing movies and TV series, automatically detects their correct name, and renames them accordingly. Keep reading after the break to find out more about MediaRenamer.

The application is really easy to use. To start, you will just have specify the folder containing your media to start scanning. While scanning, the application allows you to choose the new file name if there are multiple matching names for the file.

Select series for Fringe 2

When all files and scanned, you are provided a list to choose which files to rename. The interface displays each file with its parent Series name, Season number, Episode Number, current Filename and New Filename. It allows you to choose all or selected media to rename the files. Other than the renaming facility for TV Series, MediaRenamer also lets you easily rename your movie collection.

MediaRenamer v2.1.3976.24112

The Options module can be accessed from the tab at the top. There are separate options available for TV series and Movies. TV series and Movie options include the output format of file names and selection of online database, while General options deal with the application’s behavior.

MediaRenamer Options

The application is very useful as far as renaming files is concerned, and has a memory foot print of only around 9 MB. The complete list of features provided by the developer includes:

  • Scan movie/TV show folders
  • Detect movie names and TV series names automatically
  • Automatically detect correct season folders for TV Series
  • Create new season folders based on users naming scheme
  • Move movies to pre-selected movie folder
  • Download information for movies/shows from internet sources
  • Supports IMDb.com, themoviedb.org, thetvdb.com and episodeworld.com
  • DropTarget for fast rename/move/copy of files

It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.

Download MediaRenamer

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