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MoviePile Is A Great Movie Manager With Support For Extracting Animated GIFs & Short Video Clips

When it comes to movie management and video playback software, there are way too many choices available, some of which are simply great, while others, not quite so. That said, it also comes down to personal taste and preference. We’ve covered some very fantastic movie managers in the past, such as the excellent jMovieManager and today, we bring you yet another one. MoviePile is a Java-based desktop movie manager for Windows, Mac and Linux that looks great and brings a host of interesting features to the table, the most terrific of which is dubbed Tagmark that allows you to tag specific parts in a video and play them directly with a single click later, or just turn them to an animated GIF. Pretty impressive, right? Read on!

A clean and decent interface makes a good app even better. Fortunately, MoviePile not only looks nice enough, but is also fairly easy to navigate. While you won’t find any skinning options in this app, the default UI suffices for the job. In case you’re wondering what MoviePile is about other than looks and Tagmarks, the application allows you to import all your movie files in one single place and play them anytime you want. In addition, you can create custom playlists and playback video files without requiring any separate media player. The integrated video player supports quite a few major video formats out of the box.

MoviePile Preview

The interface lets you add movies via the Add folder button. Similarly, you can add playlists for better movie management. Your current playlists and folders appear under the Library section to the left. Once your video library has been populated, MoviePile displays video files as thumbnails, although you can switch list or grid styles.

Clicking the minuscule arrow button on a thumbnail lets you perform further actions such as instantly move a file to a new or existing playlist or folder, add a new Tagmark, rename the file, or delete it. The app also displays total playback time of the current file, as well as a large thumbnail that shows off different images from different sequences in a video.


MoviePile doubles as a video player as well and as stated earlier, it supports many codecs and media formats. During testing, I threw AVI, MP4 and MOV files at it, and it didn’t face a hitch playing any of those. You can also try your luck with other formats and see if they work. The playback window lets you control the volume and play/pause the video, as well as save screenshot of the current frame, and add the aforementioned Tagmark.


To add a Tagmark, simply click ‘New Tagmark’, followed by specifying a tag name. Furthermore, you can specify the sequence of the clip length from the seek bar via two small start and end pointers. Once ready, click Save Tagmark and you’re done.


All your tagmarks appear under the Tagmarks area. From there, you can move a tagmark to a particular playlist, or convert the file to GIF or MPG and save it any location on your PC.


After conversion, MoviePile also displays the output that has been extracted from the original video file. You can click OK to close this window.

GIF Exporter

All in all, it’s a really nice application for managing all your videos, with loads of handy features. MoviePile requires Java runtime environment, and works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Download MoviePile

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