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Falcon Pro: Elegant Android Twitter App With An Impressive Widget

Available in the Google Play Store for free, Falcon For Twitter is one of the most feature-rich standalone Android home screen widgets for Twitter that you’ll ever come across. Apparently, the developer of the widget approached XDA member Joenrv, asking for his help to transform the widget into a full-fledged Falcon app. As it currently stands, the beta version of Falcon Pro has just been released by the developer for public testing. Having tried out the app myself, I must say that the developer deserves a pat on the back for coming up with a truly well-polished product. Although still under development, this sort-of-Holo-themed app is looking well on course to emerge as a commendable third-party Twitter app for Android. Besides the sleek looks, the app shares most of the attributes with the widget itself, including support for @mentions, Direct Messages, Favorites, Lists, Trends, native search tool, inline image previews, built-in browser, geo-tagging of tweets, TwitLonger integration to post tweets longer than the 140-character limit, customizable notifications and other basic socializing elements required to constitute a typical Twitter mobile app.

Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Login Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Timeline

Since the app is currently under active development, it is recommended that you use it in combination with the Falcon widget to enjoy a thorough Twitter experience on your device. Pairing both Falcon clients together is simple – once you’ve installed the widget on your home screen, tap the button at the top-left, select the default Twitter companion app (in this case, ‘Falcon Pro’) and you’re good to go. Even without the widget, the app itself is capable of presenting you with most of the basic Twitter features.

Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Widget Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Tweet

The thing that I personally like about the app is its ability to natively display new notifications via various color-coded bars that keep appearing under the top navigation action bar until you view the underlying stuff. Using the tabs at the top, you may switch between your Twitter Timeline, @mentions and Direct Messages. Talking of bars, holding down an item on your feed for a couple of seconds reveals the Twitter action bar, complete with the options to reply, retweet, add to favorites, share and more.

Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-User Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Notification

Hitting the menu button reveals a sidebar, packed with shortcuts to your favorite Twitter features, including Lists and Trends. In terms of customization, the app can be set to sync content at user-specified interval, as well as over Wi-Fi only. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (and higher) users can benefit from the quick action controls to retweet or reply to posts straight from their device’s notification shade.

Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Browser Falcon-Pro-Beta-Android-Settings

Going by the developer’s word, once fully-functional Falcon Pro is officially released to the Play Store, it will be offered as a paid app only. However, if you want to take the current beta offering out for a spin, just hit the download link provided below, install the APK and enjoy!

(https://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&drKey=1359&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2002259&v=1&libid=1353389152358&out=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.dropbox.com%2Fu%2F47233654%2FFalconPro_BETA_v0.2a.apk&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FAndroid%2Fcomments%2F13gomj%2Ffalcon_for_twitter_grows_into_a_beautiful_app%2F&title=%5BAPP%5D%5B2.2%2B%5D%20Falcon%20Pro%20(BETA)%20for%20Twitter%20-%20v0.2%20-%20xda-developers&txt=HERE%20&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13533959078433) Download Falcon Pro (Beta) For Android

[via XDA-Developers]

Update: The app has been updated in the Play Store with YouTube integration and several UI tweaks including double-taping a tweet to reveal more options, a logout button, reporting of spam tweets, auto-filling for hashtags, better conversation view for private accounts and lots more. Remember that Falcon Pro is now available as a $0.99 app in Google Play Store.

Download Falcon Pro For Android (Paid)

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