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How To Turn Off Safe Mode In Android

Desktop operating systems have a safe mode that you can boot into. If your computer is acting up, it’s best to boot it in safe mode and troubleshoot it. Android has a similar safe mode. You can turn on safe mode to troubleshoot an app that’s causing problems. Unlike the safe mode on a desktop operating system, safe mode on Android doesn’t disable things like WiFi and other radio switches on your device. Safe mode disables a few default apps such as the Health app, and all third-party apps. Here’s how you can put your device in safe mode and how to turn off safe mode in Android.

Turn On Safe Mode In Android

The method for turning on safe mode differs from device to device. In most devices, especially those running stock Android such as the Nexus 6P, this method will work. We assume your phone is already on. If not, turn it On.

Hold down the power button until the ‘Power off’ option appears. These options may differ depending on your Android version. We’re really only concerned with the ‘Power off’ option. Tap and hold it. A prompt will appear on your screen that says ‘Reboot to safe mode’. Tap ‘Ok’ and wait for your phone to reboot.

In the event you don’t own a device with stock Android, the process for turning on safe mode might be slightly different. If this method doesn’t work try this.

Power off your device and then turn it on again but don’t release the power button. Wait until you see the boot logo. Release the power button and hold down the Volume down button. Keep it pressed until your phone reboots. When it does, it will be in safe mode.

When a device is in safe mode, there is a ‘Safe mode’ watermark at the bottom left of the screen.

Turn Off Safe Mode In Android

It’s incredibly easy to turn off safe mode in Android. There’s no UI for it. All you have to do is turn your phone Off, and turn it back On again. Assuming your phone was in safe mode when you turned it off, turning it on will boot the phone in normal mode.

That’s all it takes to turn off safe mode in Android. This works regardless which device or Android version you have on your phone. When you turn off safe mode, the ‘Safe mode’ watermark at the bottom left of your screen disappears.

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