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Facebook Auto-Logout Expires Session 60 Seconds After Tab Is Closed [Firefox]

Have you ever logged into Facebook from a public computer and then forgotten to log out? As careful as you are, this is something that can happen to anyone. Even if you deligently log out of all sites you’re signed in to whenever you get up from a computer, the chance that you might forget is still there.  It isn’t just public computers that you have to be careful about; if you share a computer with a family member or often check your Facebook account at work then leaving your account logged in can be detrimental. Facebook Auto-Logout, a very simple but handy Firefox add-on, easily circumvents this by logging you out of Facebook automatically after a predefined period of inactivity, defaulting at a minute after you close your Facebook tab, or when you completely quit Firefox. All Facebook cookies are removed, so you’re not traceable at least by these cookies, and the best part is that you don’t have to go through any options or settings – it just works automatically!

Facebook Auto-Logout logs you out even if you’ve selected the Keep me logged in option. You don’t have to remember to log out when closing the Facebook tab or window; the add-on works just fine, and does it all for you. In addition, cookies are purged, implying that all other data related to your likes and shared content is deleted. Visit its options to select the inactivity interval.

The add-on is a lot like a safety net for when you close the Facebook tab you had open but don’t sign out thinking you will need to use it again. It is likely that if you don’t re-open Facebook in a tab, you also won’t remember to log out of it and for such situations, this add-on is a lifesaver. You can have the add-on notify you when you have been logged out from its options.

If you share something on Facebook from another website i.e., if you Like an article on a website or share a YouTube video, it will count as Facebook activity and will tell the add-on that you’ve visited the website again. An additional option to sign out of Facebook after you have been inactive too long (even if it is still open in a tab) might make it all the more useful.

This is a simple, albeit very useful, add-on that can help you protect your Facebook account from unauthorized access or friends who want to prank you by posting embarrassing status updates from your account. Visit the link below and start taking control of your Facebook privacy.

Install Facebook Auto-Logout Add-on For Firefox


  1. while interesting this is USELESS for its described purpose of public computers… who is going to install a FF add on everytime they are at a new public pc… just log the f**k out

    • At our local museum we have a computer with the museum’s facebook page as guestbook where people can log on and add a comment / like. Here it would be very useful to offer the service and security for people to be automatically logged out.

      However, I tried to help them, but we cannot get this addon to work!! Shame…

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