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Post Tweets In Multiple Languages With Automatically Translate Twitter Tweets

Automatically Translate Twitter Tweets is a web service which translates and updates your Twitter timeline. You can translate your tweets in multiple languages and post numerous version of a tweet in different languages on your Twitter timeline. The process includes logging in with your Twitter account via this web service and then using the various language tags available for automatically translating the tweet in one or more languages.

To translate your tweets, go to “Automatically Translate Twitter Tweets” website and sign in to your Twitter account from the available option.


Once you login, check out the various hash tags available for numerous languages which will be required for translating tweets. Note down the language hash tags which you may require and go to your Twitter account. Unfortunately, there is no option available to redirect you to Twitter, so you will have to visit the site separately.

Then next time you type a tweet, add the appropriate language hash tags e.g. (#de for German). You can add one or multiple hash tags after your tweet to translate it in numerous languages.


You tweet will be displayed in the default English and other languages for which you would have added hash tags. To translate your Tweets each time, you will have to first visit and login to your account from the Automatically Translate Twitter Tweets web service and then tweet your tweets with the appropriate hash tags.

Farshad (farshadiqbal) on Twitter - Mozilla Firefox 4

Visit Automatically Translate Twitter Tweets

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