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How To Add Your Location To A Reddit Post

Reddit is a place where people prefer to be anonymous. That’s one of the major benefits of the site. If you have deeply personal problem that you need help with, you can use Reddit anonymously to do just that. Plus, there’s the opportunity to come up with a clever username. Of course Reddit is more than just another online community. People use it to follow news and developing events, interact with celebrities doing AMAs, and learn great skills from the DIY community. Reddit has evolved to meet these new needs. It’s official iOS and Android apps now let you add your location to a Reddit post.

Open the Reddit app on your iPhone or Android phone. Again, you must be using the official Reddit app. There are quite a few popular third-party apps available for Reddit but this feature, so far, is only  available in the official app.

Sign in to your Reddit account. Tap the ‘Post something interesting’ field. From the pop-up, select what type of post you want to make. You can make a text post, an image, or share a link. You can add your location to a Reddit post regardless what type it is.

Before you can add your location, you have to select which Subreddit you want to post to. The location option doesn’t appear until you select a subreddit. We’re speculating here but perhaps that means there are some subreddits that don’t allow you to post your location.

Once you’ve selected a subreddit, the ‘Add Location’ option appears under it. Tap it, and from the list of locations that appear on the next screen, select one. Alternatively, use the search bar at the top of the Add Location screen and search for a location. The app doesn’t pin-point your current location like Google Maps does. Instead it finds major marked places nearby.

What this means is, you can maybe mark a place that’s selling Twinkies but you can’t just mark your own home when posting to r/Roastme.

Location is provided by Fouresquare and not by Google Maps so if you can’t find a particular location, it might be because it isn’t marked by Foursquare.

A word of caution is necessary here. Reddit is a great community. For the most part, the users are nice people but it has trolls like any other online community does. Be careful when you decide to add your or someone else’s location to a Reddit post. People have been known to get doxed on Reddit and you don’t want to contribute to the problem.

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