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Pin Any Reminder To The iPhone Lock Screen With Reminders+

Setting an alarm for important tasks is useful to a certain extent but if you really want to get something done, persistent nagging often does the trick. Apple seems to realize that, as is evident from the constant presence of upcoming reminders in the Notification Center. While the idea is great, not everyone visits the Notification Center regularly. Your iPhone’s lock screen, on the other hand, comes into view quite frequently. Now, users of jailbroken iDevices have an easy way of pinning any reminder they want to the lock screen of their iPhone, thanks to a new Cydia tweak, Reminders+. Reminders+ calls this list of lock screen reminders ‘Bulletin’, and they are not shown in the form of lock screen notifications, so you don’t have to worry about inadvertently launching the Reminders app through them.

Reminders  iOS Bulletin Reminders  iOS Lock Screen

Reminders+ is available in the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store as a free download. Once you have installed the tweak, it quietly makes all the required changes to the stock Reminders app. You won’t find any new SpringBoard icon or Settings entry for Reminders+; you can configure the lock screen bulletin right from the task list in the Reminders app. Tapping and holding your finger over any of the reminders there shows the ‘Add Bulletin’ option. A great thing is that none of the reminders are automatically added to your bulletin, even if their alarm time is approaching; you have to pick them specifically, making this list fully customizable according to your own priorities. You can pin both pending and completed tasks to the bulletin, and they remain on the lock screen until you manually remove them. To remove a reminder from the list, go back to the Reminders app, long-press the entry and hit the ‘Remove Bulletin’ option.

Reminders+ does not affect any existing functionalities of iOS reminders. You will still see the upcoming task list in the Notification Center, and lock screen notifications from other apps will show up as usual too. The tweak could have been made a bit more intelligent by adding the option to automatically remove entries from the list upon being marked as done. Another slight shortcoming of Reminders+ is its inability to show the time for any reminder on the lock screen, as each bulletin entry shows the tweak’s name and the main title of the task. Regardless of these shortcomings, Reminders+ can prove to be a useful tweak for a lot of people, and you should give it a try if you are looking to add a more persistent touch to the stock Reminders app.

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