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Automatically Stop iTunes Music Playback And ShutDown Mac

Are you a music addict who usually goes to bed while the music is being played on iTunes? Have you ever wished that the music on your iTunes should automatically be stopped after a specified time? Or has it never crossed your mind that the computer should shutdown, logout, or sleep, once your music playlist is over. Sleeptime is here to help.  It is a small free peachy application for iTunes, which allows you to set timer for your playlists, i.e. you can select a time interval after which your iTunes should be stopped or even you can schedule your computer logout, sleep, or shutdown.  Its very simple interface will compel you try it out. Also it shows current song’s title and artist name on the main interface.

You can specify music playback time in terms of either minute, hour, or day. Enter appropriate number stating your specified time, after selecting the option from the drop-down menu, as shown in the screenshot below.

Volume fade out time allows you to specify time after which you want to mute the music.

You can schedule your Mac for sleep, log out, shutdown or restart once your favorite tracks are finished.

If you wish Sleepytime to be automatically quit or hide, once your iTunes stops playing music, select appropriate option from Hide, or Quit dropdown as shown in figure downwards.

iTunes’ volume can also be adjusted from its interface via the slider given at the bottom. Overall, it is a nice application to control iTunes and automate basic actions after your iTunes stops playing.

Download Sleepytime

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