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Classic Shell Brings Classic Start Menu In Windows 7

Classic Shell is an application which provides Classic XP styled Start menu and Classic Explorer toolbar buttons such as Up, Cut, Copy, Paste etc. in Windows Vista and Windows 7. It is developed for people which don’t feel comfortable with Start menu of Windows 7/Windows Vista and miss the classic toolbar buttons of Windows XP.

During installation you see two options, first is the classical Start menu (XP styled having recent documents, Drag and drop to organize applications and easy keyboard navigation through installed programs etc.) while second is Classic Explorer which is a plugin for Windows Explorer that will add a toolbar having buttons for Up, Cut, Copy etc. You can select any one of them, or both to be installed.

Classic Shell

Start menu settings can be adjusted by accessing Settings from right click context menu of Windows start button.

Classic Shell Setting

As it adds the classic start menu, the Windows 7 / Vista styled start menu, however, is not disabled, it can be accessed by pressing Shift and then clicking on the Start button. If you are an XP user who just upgraded to Windows 7 and miss classical start menu and classic explorer toolbar buttons, give this application a shot.

Testing was done on system running Windows 7 x86.

Download Classic Shell

Previously, we covered a useful tip that required Classic Shell application.

1 Comment

  1. Classic Shell is an excellent way to restore sanity to the Windows 8 desktop. Thank God! I will use this until Micro$oft manage to produce a better alternative. The present UI formerly known as Metro is a mess.

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