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ShortStop: Avoid App Keyboard Shortcut Conflict In Mac [Paid]

Keyboard shortcuts add convenience to how we use an app and our system as a whole. Many users, who need to work on different projects and use multiple apps at the same time, will use a combination of  mouse and trackpad gestures and keyboard shortcuts just to get things done faster. It is for this reason that many of us have a soft spot for app that support keyboard shortcuts and get butterflies if we can edit a shortcut to our own liking. While these shortcuts are great, they sometimes end up conflicting with other apps and more power apps might even conflict with universal shortcuts. ShortStop is a simple Mac app available for $2.99 in the Mac App Store that allows you to toggle between apps and their enabled shortcuts. You can set the system to ignore shortcuts that are associated with an app, and enable them as per your requirement.

The app adds an icon to the menu bar that you can use to quickly disable all universal shortcuts and keep only the ones used by apps active. This means, Command + C will not let you copy items or text but will perform whatever function an app has set for it.  From the menu bar icon, select Block Shortcuts and all universal shortcuts will be disabled.


To set the app to start at login, go to the General tab in the app’s preferences. You can set to block shortcuts while switching between apps, and even sync your preferences over Dropbox.

ShortStop general

In the event that you want to block universal shortcuts as well as those from a particular set of apps, go to the Block List tab, click the plus sign and add the apps that you want to disable shortcuts for.

ShortStop block list

The app is, in essence, a simple utility that can save you from conflicting shortcuts. As opposed to disabling apps that interfere with each other or setting up shortcuts that are hard to remember, you can toggle them on or off with ShortStop.

Get ShortStop From Mac App Store


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