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How to Calculate Square Root in Excel: The 4 Best Methods

If you’re working in the field of finance, statistics, chemical analysis, building construction, and engineering, or you’re simply in school, you may need to use the square root function frequently.

Though calculating square root is easy enough, for large datasets it’s smarter to apply a square root function in Excel. This will help you save time on number crunching and let you focus on other tasks. Watch the short tutorial below and read on to learn more!



Square Root in Excel: Definition

In simple terms, the square root of x is y where multiplying y with y equals x. Alternatively, when you square y, you get the value x. Here, the square root of x is y.

For example, 5 or -5 is the square root of 25. Calculating square root becomes vital in several disciplines like finance, Pythagorean theorem, normal distributions, simple harmonic motion, quadratic formula, standard deviation, etc.

You’ll be fascinated to know that Excel can help you compute square roots in a flash without going through any complex formulas or steps.

How to Compute Square Root in Excel

1. Using POWER Function

The POWER formula helps you to get square, cube, etc., values of any number on Excel. Now, you can change the square to invert square or ½ to get the square root value of any number.


When using the POWER function, first enter the integer of which you’re computing the square root. Now, put a comma (,) and then enter ½ as the exponent by which you want to increase the base value.

Square root in Excel uising POWER function

2. Applying SQRT Formula

SQRT is yet another quick method of getting square root in Excel for any number. Here’s how:

=SQRT(number or cell value)
  • Double-click on any cell and type SQRT.
  • Now, put the number for which you need a square root within parenthesis.
  • You can also select a cell or cell range.
  • Hit Enter to get the square root value.

3. Using the Carat Operator

The Carat operator of Excel lets you raise any number’s base value using power or exponential. It’s simply an alternative to the SQRT formula. To calculate square root using this operator, follow these steps:

=Number or cell range ^ (½)
  • Double-click on any cell and then choose the cell address or type in a number for square root computation.
  • Now, press Shift+6 to enter the Carat operator.
  • Then, put ½ within parenthesis.
  • Hit Enter to get the square root value of the chosen cell or number.

4. Utilizing the SERIESSUM Formula

Let’s say you need to calculate the SUM value of a power series where the power keeps on increasing until (n+1) as the series progresses. Then, you need to use the SERIESSUM function for the summation value of the series.

You can also use this formula to calculate square root in Excel. Here’s how:

=SERIESSUM(number or cell range,½,0,1)
  • Select a cell and double-click on it.
  • Type in SERIESSUM and double-click on the formula suggestion that appears.
  • In the parenthesis, type in the target number for square root,½ as an exponent, 0 for the step by which power increases, and 1 as the coefficient.
  • Hit Enter to complete calculating square root for any number on Excel.

Square root in Excel utilizing the SERIESSUM formula


So far, you’ve learned multiple ways of calculating square root in Excel. You can use the method that suits your data, real-world situation, and working style on Microsoft Excel.

You may also be interested in saving time in data entry by using Flash Fill in Excel.

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