How To Root The LG Revolution On Android 2.2 Froyo
Now the method has proven success for some users but for some it hasn’t worked. The rooting process involves commands to be entered in the command prompt provided you have ADB installed. Enough said, let’s get on with the rooting.
Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
- ADB installed. See our guide on what is ADB and how to install it.
- ( LG Revolution Rootkit
- To begin, download the Rootkit, extract it to find 3 zip files and copy them to android-sdk-windows\platform-tools.
- Connect your phone to the PC and make sure you select Internet Conenction as the USB connection mode. Make sure USB debugging is checked in Menu > Applications > Development.
- Now open terminal or command prompt and enter the following commands:
adb push su /data/local/temp adb push rageagainsthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/temp/rage adb push busybox /data/local/temp adb shell ./data/local/temp/rage
Now wait till you get kicked all the way back to your terminal prompt. If you see the “$”, don’t do anything, just keep waiting. When it’s done you’ll be all the way out of ADB, which you will now need to restart. Enter the following commands:
adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t etx3 /dev/mmcblk0p12 /system cd /system/bin cat /data/local/temp/su > su cat /data/local/temp/busybox > busybox chmod 4755 su chmod 4755 busybox rm /data/local/temp/su rm /data/local/temp/busybox rm /data/local/temp/rage reboot
That’s it! Your phone should reboot and be rooted. Simply download Superuser from the Market and install it on your phone.
I think the commands
adb push su /data/local/temp
adb push busybox /data/local/temp
need a trailing slash so that su and busybox are put in the temp directory, and not created as the file “temp” in /data/local/
adb push su /data/local/temp/
adb push busybox /data/local/temp/
a “t” is missing in the rageagainst…. file name
adb push rageagainsthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/temp/rage
should be
adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/temp/rage
why are busybox and su included? They are not in other instructions:
are they the same as downloading superuser from the market?
why are the files provided zip archives of already archived binaries?
finally, when I initially entered shell through abd my prompt was a ‘#’ not the ‘$’ expected. This usually indicates root. I could mount and move files around at whim. Not thinking this might be unusual behavior, I ran rage. My prompt is now a dollar sign. I cannot remount root. I cannot write to /system/bin (as I could before trying to root/running rage). What happened?
You can try rooting it via SuperOneClick if you’re running into trouble with this guide. Apologies for the inconvenience =]
so is this tutorial working? I want to root mine but I am afraid I will get errors and ruin the phone.
I tried command prompt but I stucked at first ‘adb shell’ command when I press enter
$ showed up and I entered ./data/local/temp/rage
./data/local/temp/rage : permission denied
this error showed up ….
what should i do? help me please