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Install MIUI Android 2.2.1 ROM On Samsung Fascinate

MIUI Samsung FascinateSamsung Fascinate MIUI

We just featured the popular MIUI ROM for Samsung Vibrant and now we are bringing you the same ROM for Samsung Fascinate. That makes two Samsung Galaxy S series devices getting this gorgeous ROM in one day, which is quite neat considering the high demand for this ROM across several Android devices. Read on for the detailed installation guide.

In case you have no idea what MIUI ROM is or have heard about it but don’t know any details, see our coverage of the MIUI ROM. It is basically a custom ROM that brings elements of the iPhone interface to Android devices.

This Android 2.2 Froyo ROM for Samsung Fascinate is in alpha stage right now and is developed by XDA-Developers forum member jumaaneface. Being in alpha, it does have some features missing but everything is expected to get ironed out by in future updates as it is in active development.

Amongst the working fetures are audio, phone, Wi-Fi, camera (with black & white preview), USB mass storage, accelerometer, Browser, MIUI Music app, lock screen controls for MIUI Music app etc. while Bluetooth, data, SMS, MMS, camcorder, Google Talk, Market, MIUI themes, vibrating soft keys and probably a few other features aren’t working at the moment. GPS hasn’t been tested yet.

If you want to try out this ROM despite its present glitches, simply follow these instructions.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.



If you haven’t flashed an Android ROM before, see our Android ROM installation guide.

  1. Download the ROM from the link given above and copy it to the root of your internal SD card.
  2. Reboot your phone into recovery.
  3. If you have enabled any lagfixes on your phone, disable them.
  4. Wipe data, cache and Dalvik cache.
  5. Install the ROM’s zip file from SD card.
  6. Reboot your device. To be on the safe side, give it another reboot around 10 minutes after installing it and you’re done!

There you go – you should now have MIUI Android ROM installed on your Fascinate. For updates on the development and to report any bugs apart from the known ones or just for general feedback to the developer, visit the XDA-Developers forum thread.

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