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Roundup: Let’s Talk About 10 New Features In iOS 5

Apple’s much awaited ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ event is over and while it may have left several disappointed due to the iPhone 4S being announced rather than the much eagerly anticipated iPhone 5, the launch of the final version of iOS 5 is still confirmed, which will start rolling out to end users from October 12th. The GM (Gold Master) version of iOS 5 – which is a pre-final version for developers that can be considered as a release candidate and as close to final as possible – was also released today and brought to us all the features that are to be a part of the final version. In what follows, we will take a look at all these new features of iOS 5 and what they mean for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users.

Ever since Apple announced iOS 5 back in June at WWDC 2011, everyone has been speculating upon the release of the new smartphone OS by the Cupertino based tech giant. The wait is finally over and iOS 5 is now here. We got our hands on the GM version just as soon as it was released for developers, to be able to bring you our coverage of all the new iOS 5 features.

While Apple has announced 200+ new features for iOS 5, following are ten of the most notable ones:

  1. Notification Center
    A brand new Notification Center that consolidates all the system, phone and app notifications and makes them accessible in an unobtrusive manner.
  2. iMessage
    A new messaging service over WiFi and 3G for all iOS devices that brings an integrated free messaging experience to all iOS users.
  3. Reminders
    A location-aware task management system that reminds you about things of importance or tasks you need to do, optionally based on where you currently are.
  4. Twitter Integration
    Deep Twitter integration into iOS and apps such as Photos, that eliminates the requirement of using separate apps for uploading your activities to Twitter or having to sign-in to it multiple times.
  5. Newsstand
    iBooks-like app for all your newspaper and magazine subscriptions in a streamlined, unified format.
  6. Camera & Photos Updates
    Easily access your camera right from the lock screen and edit your photos on your device without the need of transferring them to the computer or using third-party apps for the purpose.
  7. Improved Game Center
    An updated Game Center with profile photos and social features such as friend lists, friend and game recommendations and achievement points.
  8. New Features In Safari
    Updates to Safari browser that add full tabbed browsing and a new Reader function that presents the page in a format optimized for your device for reading whenever you want.
  9. New Features In Mail App
    Updated Mail app with new rich formatting, indentation and flagging support, and the ability to move email addresses by dragging and dropping.
  10. Activate iDevice Without PC
    OTA (over-the-air) activation as well as operating system updates without the need to connect to a PC and use iTunes for the purpose.

Some features and apps in iOS 5 that were showcased during “Let’s Talk” event are not yet available in GM build. We will cover them as soon as we get hands on the final build on 12th October. The most important feature was Siri voice assistant which is exclusive to iPhone 4S users.

So what are you waiting for? Hit up the links to check out all these new features of iOS 5, and let us know what you think of them in the comments.


  1. Apple probably gets most of their ideas from cydia apps and tweaks.
    I wonder how many Apple employees have their iDevices jailbroken? :\


    Face it apple fan-boys, your over-glorified Iphone is gonna be 10 features behind our amazing android

    • lol… you realize that you sound just as bad as these “apple fanboys” you’re talking about? Jeez I don’t even have enough money to own a smartphone.

  3. iMessage? Is it the same as BBM but exclusive only for iOS users? That looks cool! When will Android release something like that 😉

    • Indeed, they should integrate Google Talk into the Android devices, that would be awesome 🙂
      Too bad that they won’t, because Google isn’t innovative enough to do that.

  4. I don’t care if you’re trying to look past it, it’s so similar to Android it’s aggravating. As an Android user of over a year I’ve copped a lot of stupid remarks from Apple users about how the innovation of their “superior” smartphone is what inspired mine and, because of that, my device is inferior. Apple now is blatantly copying something Google thought up and all everyone can say about it is “alright alright, just don’t bring it up …”

    It’s just not fair.

  5. How many iPhone articles is that now?

    Jesus, this place is getting as bad as Engadget. Has Addictivetips turned into another Apple blog site? 🙁

    • Not at all. We tend to cover anything new and interesting related to “apps” and “new features of operating systems”. We covered Windows 8 extensively and before that we did Mac OS X Lion. Today we covered iOS and on 11th October we will be covering Android. Software reviews are coming too today. Stay tuned!

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