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MyScript Memo Converts Your Handwritten Notes Into Text [iPhone/ iPad]

If you go by the news coming in these days, the future will have very little room for paper, and the world will shift to digital books and documents. The same approach will be applied to writing and taking notes. However, many people might think that it is convenient to scribble on a paper rather than typing on your iPhone when you have to write in a hurry. On the other hand, handwritten notes can prove to illegible at a later time, or, depending on your hand writing, for others. If you own an iOS device, MyScript Memo might be the perfect solution to the problem presented above. It is an app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that will let you create handwritten notes, and then convert them to digital text.

MyScript Memo Home MyScript Memo iOS

When you have installed the app to your iDevice and launch it for the first time, you will be taken to the notes page straightaway. Start scribbling, and you can write or make a sketch. If you make a mistake, choose the eraser from the top bar. To change color of the pen, or its thickness, long press the pen icon. If you have scribbled some text on the notes page, and want to export just a part of it, choose the lasso tool. After you have made the selection of the area of the note, you can export that snippet as a picture, or convert it to digital text. Keep it in mind that even after the conversion, you won’t be able to copy or share the text, as that can be done only after upgrading to the pro version of MyScript Memo, costing $2.99.

MyScript Memo Lasso Select MyScript Memo Export

If you want to export the full note, there is the star button for that, located in the top right corner. Tapping it will bring up three options, Export as text, Export as image and Export as .notes file. The third option will generate a file readable through MyScript Memo. To revert any change, you can hit the undo button in the top menu.

MyScript Memo Converted Text MyScript Memo Settings MyScript Memo Image

Another useful feature of the app is image import, and you can annotate an image after its has been added to the note. The drawing to text conversion is pretty good (given that your handwriting is better than mine –  Ed’s note: mine was!), and MyScript recognizes more than 30 languages. You can choose the language by going to the Settings menu in the app. There are other options available there as well, like changing notes’ backgrounds and ink texture.

MyScript Memo is a free app, and with its Facebook, Twitter and Evernote integration, is definitely worth a try.

Download MyScript Memo

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