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Run Debian Linux On Motorola XOOM Honeycomb Tablet Natively

Motorola xoom debian linuxSo if you thought the Motorola XOOM was already crazy powerful, think again. RootzWiki forum member LIV2 has recently released a tutorial on how to get Debian to run natively on the Motorola XOOM. There have been Android devices in the past that have managed to run Linux but “chrooted under android and using a VNC client to make use of the chrooted install. quite messy and less than efficient IMHO..” according to LIV2.

Now the only problem installing this on your XOOM is that you’ll be missing Audio and Bluetooth support. It has something to do with the proprietary nature of the sound drivers for the Tegra chipset and and the lack of documentation for the BCM4329 Bluetooth under Linux.

Below you can see a video of the XOOM running Debian natively, courtesy of the developer.

So if you find this interesting and are up to the challenge, you can head over to the forum thread at RootzWiki and dwell into the detailed instructions set on how to get Debian to run natively on your Motorola XOOM.

[via rootzwiki]

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