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Save iOS Photos/ Videos In Pattern Or Password Protected Secret Folder

Privacy is an issue which is considered pretty important by most iPhone owners, but for many, the lock screen passcode is enough. However, you might have to hand over your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to someone who wants to make a call, or go to some lesser private area of iOS. In such cases, there is no way to define security levels for different locations in your iDevice. Enter The Secret Folder, which is a free app for keeping your media safe, and away from prying eyes. Read on to find out all about this handy little app.

The Secret Folder The Secret Folder Settings

Before you can save or import any data to the app, you have to set up an unlock pattern. This is exactly the same as the pattern lock used in Android devices. However, that is not the only means of security in the app. You can also choose to use a passcode specific for the app. The Secret Folder, in addition to being a vault for media files, can also act as a good photo viewer, as it comes with pretty detailed slideshow settings and viewing options.

The Secret Folder Photos Import The Secret Folder Album

Photos and videos can be imported to The Secret Folder by going to the respective area, and hitting the Import button. Files can be imported in bulk from Photo Library or Camera Roll. You can also snap a photo or record a video from within the app, and it will automatically be saved in the default hidden album. The Secret Folder also supports addition of new albums, both for photos and videos.

The app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes link given below.

Download The Secret Folder

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