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Monitor CPU, RAM, Network & Disk Usage In Ubuntu With SysPeek

When using resource intensive applications, one can often face system hangs without knowing that the CPU usage has reached 100% utilization. In such an instance, it is not possible to quickly launch System Monitor to view CPU usage as the system is hanged. Although, Ubuntu is meant to be less resource intensive as an operating system, installing too many applications and packages can lead to frequent hangs. SysPeek is a system monitor indicator which displays CPU resource utilization , memory and swap usage, disk usage, and network traffic from system tray. The biggest convenience of this applindicator app is that it displays a CPU usage indicator which turns red when it finds 100% utilization of CPU.

You can instantly view information regarding the network traffic, memory, CPU and disk performance by clicking on the system tray indicator. When your system gets hanged, you can easily monitor the CPU usage from the system tray indicator. This enables identifying at a glance if your system is being affected due to CPU usage and to be able to determine if an application is consuming too many system resources.

Sys Peek

You can download the Deb package for Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) from the download link given below.

Download SysPeek

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