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How to install Ubuntu Web Remix

Ubuntu Web Remix is a unique operating system that takes the power offered by Ubuntu and Firefox and creates a new, open-source web-based operating system. This guide will show you how to set up Ubuntu Web Remix on your computer.

Create an Ubuntu Web Remix USB installer

Before installing Ubuntu Web Remix on your computer, you will need a USB installer. Creating a USB installer is easy. To do it, you must download the Etcher application to your computer, install it, and open it.

You can get your hands on Etcher by heading to the official website. Once on the website, download the program and launch it. Then, head over to the official Ubuntu Web Remix download page and download that too.

Open up the Etcher application on your computer. Once it is open, follow the step-by-step instructions below to get your Ubuntu Web Remix USB installer set up.

Step 1: Find the “Flash from file” button inside of the Etcher application, and click on it with the mouse. After selecting this button, a pop-up window will appear. Using the pop-up window, browse for the Ubuntu Web Remix ISO file.

Step 2: Insert your USB flash drive into the USB port on your computer. Once your USB flash drive is plugged in, find the “Select target” button and click on it with the mouse. Then, browse your USB flash drive in the Etcher UI and select it as the target.

Step 3: Find the “Flash!” button inside of the Etcher app and click on it with the mouse to burn the Ubuntu Web Remix ISO file to the USB flash drive. Keep in mind that this process will take some time.

Step 4: When the burning process is complete, Etcher will validate your USB ISO file. This process will take a couple of seconds, but validation is required. Unplug the USB flash drive, and reboot your computer into your BIOS when the process is finished.

Inside of your computer BIOS, configure it to boot from USB so that the Ubuntu Web Remix OS can be installed on your computer. If you have issues accessing your computer’s BIOS or configuring the BIOS to boot from USB, please consult your computer’s manual.

Installing Ubuntu Web Remix

To install Ubuntu Web Remix on your computer, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Find the “Welcome” page for Ubuntu Web Remix, and select your preferred language. After selecting the language, find the “Continue” button and move to the next page of the installation tool.

Step 2: After selecting your language on the welcome menu, Ubuntu Web Remix will ask you to choose your keyboard layout. To select your language, look through the list of available languages. Finally, click “Continue.”

Step 3: If you have a WiFi chip inside of your desktop or laptop, Ubuntu Web Remix will ask you to connect to the internet. Using the installer UI, choose your WiFi connection, and connect to the network. Select “Continue” to move to the next page of the installer.

Step 4: You must now choose the type of Ubuntu Web Remix installation you prefer. On the “Updates and other software” page, select either “Normal installation” or “Minimal installation.” After that, choose your options in the “Other options” area, and click “Continue” to move to the next page.

Step 5: On the “Installation type” page, select your preferred installation type for Ubuntu Web Remix. For best results, select “Erase disk and install Ubuntu.” When you’ve made your choice, click the “Continue” button.

Step 6: You’ll now need to select your time zone for Ubuntu Web Remix. To set your time zone in the Ubuntu Web Remix installation tool, take your mouse and choose where you live on the global map.

After choosing where you live on the map, click on the “Continue” button to move to the next page of the installation tool.

Step 7: Upon selecting your time zone, you must configure your username, computer name, and password. Find the text box for “Your name” and enter your full name.

After entering your full name, find the “computer’s name” section and enter in your computer’s name. The computer name is what other systems will see on the network when they communicate.

Followed by setting up your computer name, you must enter your user account name and your password. Using the two text boxes, enter your password and username. Click “Continue” to move to the next page.

Step 8: When all information is configured, Ubuntu Web Remix will install on your computer. The installation process will take time to complete, so sit back and be patient. 

When the installation process is complete, you will see a pop-up message appear on the screen. This pop-up message will let you know that you need to reboot your computer to use Ubuntu Web Remix.

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