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Does VPN Work Without Wi-Fi?

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VPN is definitely a must-have tool for anyone serious about their online privacy and anonymity. The number of people using VPNs is increasing at an exponential rate every day. Did you know that one in every four people around the world uses a VPN? Chances are, you most likely use it as well — or are at least considering it. But have you ever wondered, “Does VPN work without Wi-Fi?”. We’ll answer this question in the article below.

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Can VPN work without Wi-Fi?

Yes it can! Using a VPN without Wi-Fi is possible, but only if you have a substitute internet connection (e.g., direct Ethernet connection or a data-plan for your device). You’ll learn how VPNs work shortly but just a sneak peek: VPNs work by encrypting packets of information transferred through your internet connection. It makes your internet activities private and makes you anonymous on the web.

You’ll have to establish an active internet connection in order to use a VPN at home or somewhere else. It doesn’t really matter if you use Wi-Fi as long as you have a stable internet connection one way or another.

How does a VPN work really?

Also known as Virtual Private Network, a VPN’s role is to provide its users with a private virtual network so that your online activities and information remain private. For example, it can hide your actual IP address and location/country. This IP change helps protect you from online services, websites, and apps that would be interested in tracking your web activities.

The best VPNs also protects you from online security breaches such as packet sniffing. A VPN also helps to break through firewalls meant to restrict access to certain websites such as YouTube. A VPN gives you the freedom to access these sites if blocked in, let’s say, your school or office.

Technical explanation

So here’s how VPN works technically and why it relies on an active internet connection: A VPN technically works by routing the internet connection of your device through your selected VPN’s server (your service provider) instead of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). What this simply means is, when your device transmits information on the web, the VPN redirects it through its configured remote server.

When you’re browsing on the web, the VPN’s server acts as the source of your device’s information. Your ISP or any other interested parties will therefore not be able to view the sites you visit or any other online activity on your phone or computer.

This ability to hide your device’s info on the web is what’s commonly known as encryption. Most VPNs have their servers distributed worldwide. For example, you may be in the US in person but by using a VPN, you have the option to change your IP location to, let’s say Germany. This way, no one can really tell where you live since the VPN encryption keeps your browsing information private.

Encryption turns your device’s information into a very complicated code that can’t be read by other parties minus a key or strong password. This key is only known by your computer and the remote VPN server. Have you ever heard of the term decryption? Decryption is the process of now making that encrypted information readable by using the key/password. Different VPNs have different encryption protocols that they use. So its effectiveness depends on the encryption mechanisms put in place by your VPN provider.

Is VPN alone enough for your online security?

Here’s an important point to note: while a VPN hides your location and browsing info, by working alone, it can’t protect your device from external intrusions. A VPN alone on your device won’t protect you from viruses, malware, Trojans, and even bots. To achieve this level of device security, you’ll need to use your VPN alongside a good antivirus software. Whether you use a VPN or not, a virus that sneaks into your computer can steal your data or even damage your device.

Also ensure you choose a VPN provider that’s trustworthy and with excellent user reviews. Why is this important? It’s because your VPN can see your web traffic and if it’s compromised, so too will you be.

How to get a FREE VPN for 30 days

If you need a VPN for a short while when traveling for example, you can get our top ranked VPN free of charge. NordVPN includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. You will need to pay for the subscription, that’s a fact, but it allows full access for 30 days and then you cancel for a full refund. Their no-questions-asked cancellation policy lives up to its name.

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