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How to Hide Your IP Address for Extra Privacy

If you care about your privacy online, the first step is to hide your IP address with a VPN. Today, we’ll walk you through what you need to know about IP spoofing, encryption, tracking, and more so that you can make the best decision on which VPN to choose. We also recommend a few providers that you can trust.

Hide IP Address

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IP addresses were created so computers could deliver information back and forth to each other. With an IP attached to each piece of data, it’s easy to locate the source and eventual destination of information, which is ultimately what makes the internet possible. Unfortunately, that same marker can be used to trace requests back to their source and identify the origin, turning simple data transmissions into homing beacons for users around the world.

Hide any trace of your IP and activity online with these secure VPNs:

  1. NordVPNBest for IP Spoofing – When it comes to virtual IP addresses, NordVPN is the king. Their massive server network is constantly growing and updating, faking your IP then locking it down with unbreakable encryption.
  2. Surfshark – NSA-grade encryption, advanced tunneling, obfuscation, static IPs, and more.
  3. ExpressVPN – Dynamic rotating IP addresses, split tunneling, and some of the fastest network speeds anywhere.
  4. PureVPN – The broadest selection in terms of countries you can spoof, impressive censorship-busting capabilities.
  5. IPVanish – One of the most trusted methods of completely hiding your activity online; loved by torrenters.
  6. VyprVPN – Self-owned server network for total oversight, unique Chameleon protocol for beating censorship and surveillance.
  7. Private Internet Access – An inexpensive, widely-used VPN provider with plenty of servers.

The modern climate of privacy awareness places data security as a high priority. Keeping your IP address secure is the first step in preventing digital surveillance, thwarting hackers and identity thieves, and putting a stop to ISPs who want to track you across the web. One simple preventive measure can make a huge difference in your online privacy, and it comes with a number of other benefits, as well.

Editor's Pick July 2024

Get NordVPN for just $3.49 a month on a 2 year plan

What are IP addresses? 

An IP address, short for internet protocol address, is a number assigned to devices when they connect to a network, whether that be an at-home network or a larger one such as the world wide web. Every device that logs onto the internet is given an IP address, from computers to tablets, phones, printers, gaming consoles, cameras, even smart TVs and appliances. IPs are used to mark devices for data delivery similar to putting an address on a package and shipping it through the mail.

The most recognizable type of IP address is a public IP address that’s written as a series of numbers separated by decimals (e.g. 123.45.678.9). These are assigned by internet service providers (ISPs) which act as a middleman between you and the internet. When you request a website from your browser, your computer sends that request through your ISP which then pulls the information from the web and sends it back to you. Every request is stamped with your public IP address so the ISP knows where to deliver the information.

Your public IP address, the number assigned to your computer on the Internet, has many helpful uses for you as a user and improves various services, apps and websites on the web. For example, once you log into a website like Netflix, you don’t have to re-enter your information every single time. The service remembers your IP in combination with your computer’s data, and keeps you logged in. In another example, games identify your location, automatically connecting you to servers that perform best and give you a seamless gaming experience (of course, they can use this same information to ban you for bad behavior). In addition to all these surface-level factors, an IP help make sure that you aren’t mistaken with someone else – say, a criminal – on the Internet.

Despite all these benefits, having an IP has a number of disadvantages. Specifically, your public IP and MAC address can help anyone identify your precise location; your Internet Service Provider; your country of residence; your operating system. Just take a look at a screenshot from IPlocation.net.

This is the information anyone on the Internet can find out about you if they know your public IP address. Given that there’s a vast number of ways to get your IP – for example, some e-mail clients attach it to every message you send – this is unnerving. A complete stranger can use your IP to come to where you stay. Someone you offend online can send you threatening physical mails, or quickly pinpoint your identity and try to harm you. Alternatively, if you live in a country with oppressive laws, your government can identify anything deemed to be a subversive activity and punish you for it. For all these reasons, the first reason to protect your IP online is privacy from criminals, malicious people, and the government.

Most users have a router that allows multiple devices to connect at once, either through wired connections or via Wi-Fi. This is where internal IP addresses come into play. They serve a similar purpose as a public IP, only instead of directing packets of data from internet service providers, they’re used by your router to send information throughout your home. Whenever someone refers to an IP address, it’s almost always the public one, not an internal IP.

RELATED: How to pretend you’re in a different country

IP addresses and tracking

In addition to helping identify your physical location and potentially causing you harm, an IP address can also compromise your online identity. For example, an IP can be used to keep tabs on what you do online to your detriment. For example, many websites track and store your IP in order to see what you do online. If a travel website sees you checking out a ticket over and over again, they might hike prices up to pressure you into making a quick purchase. Services like Facebook might also check your IP to show you ads and content that will keep you on their website (or persuade you to buy something from a third party business). Over time, a business can learn all about your preferences, habits, as well as the causes you care about, and more.

This is bad for several reasons. First, a website can use your data to pinpoint your identity and persuade you to buy things you don’t want. Second, your past behavior can be used against you to affect you emotionally and prompt you into taking actions you wouldn’t ordinarily. Third, your data can be collected and used for nefarious ends – or sold to third parties. For example, Facebook isn’t meant to share the data they collect on you with other people. However, they ended up doing so anyway, leading to the Cambridge Analytica scandal wherein millions of users’ information went to a private company. This is the kind of thing that can happen to your own data if you don’t protect your IP – and another reason to hide it using a VPN.

How can an IP address be abused?

Every packet of data that goes to and from your home network is paired with a public IP address. Without it, nothing could be delivered to your devices. But because an IP address can be traced to your local service provider, it’s extremely easy to look at someone’s IP and know what country and city they live in. Because most of us pay an ISP for access to the internet, our billing address, name, and phone number are on file, making it a surprisingly simple process to track down a person based on their internet history.

IP addresses aren’t necessarily unsafe on their own, but when you combine them with unencrypted data and detailed activity logs, you suddenly have a serious privacy issue. Your internet history can be stored by websites and service providers for months or years, keeping a detailed record of every query along with an associated IP address. Service providers are under no obligation to keep this information private, and some even have the legal ability to sell logs to third parties without your permission. Whether you’re a journalist who needs anonymity or simply an average person who appreciates privacy, this combination of public IPs and raw data logging is a massive problem.

Advantages of hiding your IP address

Hiding your IP address, or simply changing it to another IP that isn’t associated with you or your location, has a number of immediate benefits. When you disassociate this public tag with the data you interact with you immediately gain a measure of online anonymity. It’s not perfect, of course, but it’s a step in the right direction.

There are several other benefits of hiding your IP address:

  • Bypass censored content – Many governments and businesses censor content from their users, making it impossible to access websites they deem inappropriate or illegal. Hiding your IP often allows you to circumvent those restrictions and surf the web with complete freedom.
  • Prevent tracking and surveillance – ISPs, websites, and eavesdropping hackers can all gain access to your browsing history with very little effort. Because that data is tied to your IP address, it’s possible to trace back to your location. Hiding your IP effectively erases your digital footprint, giving your surfing activities an added measure of privacy.
  • Access streaming videos blocked in your country – IP addresses are used to geolocate devices connected to the internet. If you connect to Netflix, for example, and Netflix is instructed to block certain content from customers in your country, you won’t be able to stream those videos. By hiding or changing your IP address you can effectively fool these websites into thinking your location is somewhere else entirely. This allows you to watch videos on Netflix, HBO Go, Hulu, YouTube, and more, all without worrying about region-locked content.

WORTH READING: How to Unblock Netflix in School

Comparison Of The Best VPNs To Hide Your IP Address

Average Speed
Log Policy
Logs Present
Logs Present
Logs Present
Logs Present
Logs Present
Live Chat Support
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • Yes
  • 24/7 Live Chat
Optimized for Torrenting
Streaming Unblocked
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
Free Trial
30 Day Free Trial
7 Days Free Trial
30 Day Free Trial
7 Day Free Trial
No Free Trial
Money Back Guarantee
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
31 Day Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Works in Your Country
Best Price

Use a VPN to hide your IP address

The simplest and most effective way to hide your IP address is to use a virtual private network. VPNs work like a tunnel between your device and the internet at large. Every byte of traffic is encrypted before it leaves your computer, turning raw data into unreadable packets of information. These travel through your ISP and straight to the VPN provider. The VPN then assigns the data a new IP address, one that isn’t associated with your location or identity. The end result is an internet connection that works just like before, only now you aren’t sharing your information with the world.

How can a VPN help, exactly?

A VPN helps protect your IP in two main ways. First, it gives you a borrowed IP address. Everything you do online is then attributed to that IP. This means that visiting a website, sending an e-mail, and even using P2P services will not reveal where you are, what computer you’re using, etc. Furthermore, most of the IPs you can get from a VPN are shared with other users, making it impossible to trace any single action to a specific individual. You can get a static IP if you want, of course, but many choose not to because they feel a shared one is more anonymous.

Second, a VPN can give you extra features that help make sure your IP stays hidden. For example, a DNS leak test comes with several of the VPNs on this page. It can help you make sure that your Internet Service Provider isn’t tracking your online activities. Moreover, all VPNs encrypt your data so it’s impossible for unauthorized third parties to access, which gives you an extra layer of security and anonymity.

Select a VPN You Can Trust

It takes some time to find a good VPN that suits your needs. There are plenty to choose from, all of which offer different plans with different pricing, have different server structures, and push certain benefits over others. We used the criteria below to take some of the hassle out of looking for the best VPN. Each one delivers great performance along with the ability to hide your IP address no matter which device you use to connect to the internet.

  • Server distribution – VPNs operate wide networks of servers located around the world. Some have a few dozen in major cities, others several hundred or several thousand placed on nearly every continent. The more servers that are available the better chances you’ll have to find a fast connection. It also gives you more options to change or hide your IP.
  • Device connectability – A common limitation imposed by VPN providers is restricting the number of devices that can access their network at once. If you’re using a phone, desktop PC, and a gaming console, for example, you may not be able to log in with a tablet or laptop unless you disconnect something beforehand. To make sure you can surf anonymously without hassle, we made sure the providers below allow at least three simultaneous devices.
  • Unlimited server switching – A few VPNs limit the number of times you can switch servers per day. This can be a frustrating feature, as it means you could be stuck with a slow connection or an IP address that doesn’t meet your needs. All of the VPNs below have unlimited server switching, no exceptions.
  • Kill switches and DNS leak protection – The few moments when your VPN software is reconnecting, are crucial. During this time it’s possible that your standard connection will reactivate, sending your real IP across the network and broadcasting your location. To help prevent this, good VPN provider software will lock down the network to ensure your identity is never leaked.
  • Logging policy – The pillar of VPN privacy is a company’s logging policy. All of your data passes through a VPN’s servers and can theoretically be stored for an indefinite period of time. If third parties or government agencies demand the VPN turn over data, they often have to comply. If no logs are kept, however, there’s no data to be shared, giving you an extra layer of privacy.

Best VPNs for hiding your IP address

Ready to hide your IP address? Use one of our recommended providers to do so with the utmost in privacy:

1. NordVPN

Works in United States
4.5 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 191.4 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 6
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
Standard at $2.99/month
Plus at $4.49/month
Complete at $5.49/month
Apps Available
NordVPN Pros & Cons
  • SPECIAL OFFER: 2-yr plan (70% off – link below)
  • Fast and stable connections
  • Up to 6 simultaneous connections
  • “Double” data protection
  • Money back guarantee policy (30-days)
  • They can take 30 days to process refunds

The high water mark of the VPN industry is continually redefined by NordVPN. A veteran VPN provider, they’ve come a long way to deliver the world’s most robust server network. If you’re looking to spoof a virtual IP anywhere in the world, NordVPN demands your consideration.

With over 5,500 servers in 59 countries, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to hiding your identity and pretending to be somewhere else online. Of course, any proxy can spoof; NordVPN shrouds your connection with unbreakable 256-bit AES encryption. To hedge against any instability in the network, their apps come standard with a kill switch and DNS leak protection.

Panamanian jurisdiction ensures they have the power to enforce their strict no-logging policy free from government pressure. And just for good measure, NordVPN offers a CyberSec toggle for enabling adblocking and anti-malware. It’s good to be king.

Read our full NordVPN review.

2. Surfshark

Works in United States
4.4 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 191.25 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to Unlimited
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
24 Months at $2.69/month
1 month at $17.69/month
12 Month at $4.09/month
Apps Available
Surfshark Pros & Cons
  • Robust servers blast through geoblocks to access your favorite streaming sites
  • All 800+ servers are P2P-friendly, with private DNS and obfuscation
  • Clean, dead-simple app interface makes constant security a no-brainer
  • VPN home jurisdiction in British Virgin Islands is ideal for privacy
  • 24/7 live chat ensures maximum uptime
  • Growing network doesn’t have same coverage as more mature VPNs
  • New-kid-on-the-block status may not instill same trust as larger providers

Surfshark is newish VPN servers (launched in 2019), but it’s already one of the most respected and secure providers on the market. Their privacy provisions are updated and enhanced relative to the standard VPN offer, including a core of 256-AES-GCM encryption and OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPSec, WireGuard tunneling protocols.

Their RAM-only server network numbers 800+ nodes in 50 countries worldwide, and is structurally incapable of long-term retention of user metadata. Standard connections can all activate obfuscation to hide your VPN traffic, though there are also static IP and multi-hop connections available as well.

Surfshark has one of the industry’s best no-logging policies, and never limit the number of simultaneous connections you can have on a single VPN.

3. ExpressVPN

Works in United States
4 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 181.11 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 5
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
12 Months at $6.67/month
6 Months at $9.99/month
1 Month at $12.95/month
Apps Available
ExpressVPN Pros & Cons
  • Unblocks US Netflix, BBC iPlayer and other streaming services
  • Fast serves with minimal speed loss
  • OpenVPN, IPSec & IKEv2 Encryption
  • Strict no-logs policy
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Max 3 simultaneous connections
  • Slightly more expensive than some other options

ExpressVPN consistently ranks as one of the fastest and most security conscious VPN providers around. The company deploys a robust network of over 3,000 servers in 94 different countries. Each server can have thousands of available IPs, which gives you an enormous amount of freedom when it comes to hiding your own IP. You can also switch servers as often as you like and connect up to three devices at a time, including smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and gaming consoles.

Privacy is another of ExpressVPN’s strong suits. The policies aim to keep users safe with DNS leak protection, a kill switch for both desktop and Android devices, and absolutely no logs. Coupled with unlimited bandwidth and no restrictions on traffic types and you’ve got a great VPN service that can hide your IP address and provide a host of other benefits, including regular access from countries like China and Turkey.

Read our full ExpressVPN review.

4. PureVPN

Works in United States
4.3 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 90.54 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 10
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
31 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
Most Recommended at $2.08/month
12 Months at $3.24/month
1 Month at $10.95/month
Apps Available

PureVPN is a great service for quick and easy IP address hiding. It all starts with a network of 2,000+ servers in 140+ different countries, covering every corner of the globe with a massive range of IPs to choose from. Unlimited server switching is also available, along with a zero-logging policy, unlimited bandwidth, DNS leak protection, and a quick kill switch to make sure your data and your IP stays safe.

One of the most interesting PureVPN features is the company’s “Virtual Router” software. With this you can turn your Windows desktop or laptop into a virtual hotspot, allowing you to connect up to ten devices at once. This is double the service’s standard offering of five simultaneous devices, which itself is two more than most VPNs on the market. If device connectability is a major concern, you can’t go wrong with PureVPN.

Read our full PureVPN review.

5. IPVanish

Works in United States
3.9 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 178.81 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to Unlimited
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
2-Year Plan at $2.99/month
1-Year Plan at $3.49/month
Monthly at $12.99/month
Apps Available

IPVanish has two strong selling points that make it an excellent choice for masking your IP. For starters, the company operates over 1,300 servers in over 60 countries, providing an amazing range of IPs you can switch back and forth between. All of these are backed by 256-bit AES encryption, kill switch and DNS leak protection, and a zero-logging policy for top quality privacy.

Getting the most out of your VPN connection won’t be a problem with IPVanish. Each plan comes with unlimited bandwidth, allows P2P traffic and torrent access, works on a wide variety of platforms, and has a high limit of five devices simultaneously connecting to the VPN. Users in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar will need to do a little extra configuring to get IPVanish to work in their region, but otherwise the service is available worldwide.

Read our full IPVanish review.

6. VyprVPN

Works in United States
3.8 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 258 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 10 devices
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
12 Month Plan at $5.00/month
1 Month Plan at $9/month
Apps Available

Privacy is one of VyprVPN’s top concerns. The company owns and operates it entire network of 700 servers spread across 70 locations, ensuring no third party ever has access to the hardware. This also gives VyprVPN the ability to customize their network to deliver superior speed and encryption without sacrificing anonymity.

Hiding your IP address is easy with VyprVPN. The wide server availability gives you plenty of options to choose from, bolstered by the exclusive Chameleon technology that defeats VPN blocking and throttling. This makes VyprVPN an excellent service if you live in a heavily restrictive location such as China or Turkey. This, combined with a strict zero-logging policy, a built-in kill switch, DNS leak protection, and fast overall download speeds makes VyprVPN a great choice for keeping your IP address hidden.

Read our full VyprVPN review.

7. Private Internet Access

Activism has been one of Private Internet Access’ focal points since the beginning. The company wants to make the internet freely available for everyone and works hard to ensure that’s possible. Private Internet Access runs a network with 3,250 servers in 25 different countries, all backed by a zero-logging policy, a digital kill switch, DNS leak protection, and a smart IP cloak to ensure your real IP is never seen. Unlimited server switching means you have the freedom to choose the IP you want without having to share your location, and a high limit of five simultaneous connections means you won’t have any trouble getting your entire house online.

Private Internet Access is one of the more affordable VPNs on the market and backs all of its plans with a seven-day money back guarantee.

Other Ways to Hide Your IP Address

Using a VPN is by far the fastest and easiest way to hide your IP address on any device. The encryption it provides also works to keep you safe and secure each time you go on the web. There are some other options you can deploy to change your IP, however, many of which can also be used on iOS hardware. 

Using Proxy Services

A common alternative to using a VPN to hide your IP address is to sign up with an anonymous proxy. These services are somewhat similar to a VPN in that they allow you to choose which country your anonymous IP address will be associated with to mask your location. The proxy then requests web information on your behalf and relays it to you without divulging your true location.

The downside to proxies is they don’t provide encryption, and they’re often notably slower than a VPN. This holds doubly true for free proxy services, which can be downright dangerous to use. Unless you absolutely have no other choice, it’s a good idea to avoid using any kind of proxy and just stick with a reliable VPN. 

RELATED READING: VPN vs. Proxy Compared Head to Head

 Use Tor to Hide Your IP Address

The Tor network and the associated Tor browser work by using onion routing to encapsulate your data packets in layers of encryption before passing it through a series of nodes. Each part of the network peels back a layer of encryption, revealing the next destination for the packet of information. When the final layer is decrypted the data will reach its location, leaving no trace of the data’s origin or the randomized path it took through the Tor network.

Tor is used by journalists and privacy experts worldwide to ensure online anonymity for most of their communications. It has its downsides, of course, but it does an amazing job hiding your IP address. Unfortunately, speeds are quite slow, so things like streaming Netflix or torrenting are not only impractical, but even frowned upon in some circles.

There’s no official version of the Tor browser for iPhone or iPad devices. Mike Tigas has created an unofficial iOS release that does basically the same thing, however. Just visit the Onion Browser download page on the iTunes App Store to install, then launch the browser and use it as you would Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.

Want to learn more about Tor? Check out our guide on getting started with Tor and the Tor Browser.

Hide Your IP Address by Switching Networks

If you just need to quickly change your IP address and aren’t too concerned about your location being visible, there’s a simple trick you can deploy. IPs don’t follow people or devices around, so to get a different IP all you have to do is connect through a different hotspot. Any public Wi-Fi network will do, including the local library, an internet cafe, coffee shop, or even a friend’s house. Once you log in you’ll be given a unique IP address that isn’t tied to yourself or your home, though you won’t necessarily be any safer than before, as without a VPN your IP is still visible. Be sure to read up on the security risks of public networks before headed down to your local coffee joint.

Warning – Don’t use free VPNs to hide your IP address

Hide IP Address

Free VPNs and free proxy services are all over the place. Most browser extension markets and mobile app stores are filled with them, each promising free, fast, and unlimited service. Simply download and start hiding your IP, it all sounds too good to be true! The unfortunate reality is free VPNs and free proxy services often endanger your privacy more than they protect it, making the benefits of hiding your IP not worth the sacrifices.

What are the risks to using a free VPN?

I you’re determined to hide your IP address with a free VPN, it’s impotent to understand the risks you are taking on. Let’s be honest – most free VPNs won’t advertise what they are doing with you data, so we’ll let you know.

Free VPNs May Contain Malware

Since users don’t pay for subscriptions, free VPN providers have to make money somewhere else. Injecting ads into the service is one of the main ways for these companies to make revenue. However, not only does that ruin the entire user experience, but it actually brings numerous security problems. A study that tested nearly 300 Android VPN services found that 38% of these services were infected, and that free VPNs are much more susceptible to malware due to advertisements.

Lack of Security

Another major disadvantage of using free VPNs is that these services don’t use strong security features to protect your data. In fact, the same study that we mentioned above found that 72% of free VPNs track your online activities by using third party trackers. So, not only are these VPN providers collecting your information and storing it in their databases, but there have been countless cases where they sell the data to the highest bidder. Even worse, some users don’t realize that these unsafe “terms” are actually a part of the policy upon signup.

Will Not Bypass Geo-Blocking

Last but not least, free VPNs won’t help you with bypassing censorship blocks or accessing geo-restricted content. First, in order to bypass blocks on websites like Netflix, you need a VPN with a large server network, unlimited bandwidth, and fast connection speeds. Free VPNs slow down your internet connection and only give you a small amount of bandwidth to use. In addition, their server networks are typically small and not powerful enough to bypass tough blockers like those used by Netflix. So, if you want unrestricted access to Netflix, Hulu, and even Amazon Prime Video, you will need a sturdier alternative.

It bears mention that some free VPNs do operate completely above board and don’t have malicious intent. No matter how you cut it, though, there will always been compromises with free services.

Two Options for Free VPNs

 1. Hotspot Shield

hide ip address free - hotspot shield

Hotspot Shield is one of the best-known free VPNs on the Internet. It’s also pretty solid as far as features go. The service’s paid version comes with high-quality encryption to protect your data. Protocols include OpenVPN’s UDP and TCP as well as some older standards. Double VPN servers, which route your data through two server network nodes, are available if you want an extra layer of protection. There are even some cyber security features available. For example, there’s a DNS leak test to make sure your ISP can’t see what you’re doing – and a kill switch that makes sure your connection is protected if Hotspot Shield turns off with no warning.

Unfortunately, virtually none of these features are fully available in the app’s free version. Instead, you get a very limited number of servers from 3 locations. You also get to watch a lot of ads every time you turn the app on. The worst part is that you can only download 500 MB of data each day, meaning you can’t stream, nor game, nor browse for very long. While the service is still very decent, given that you never have to paid for it, Hotspot Shield’s free version is really more of a preview of the app’s full version. 

2. Tunnelbear

hide ip address free - tunnelbear

TunnelBear is a cool, free VPN. It’s fairly limited – there’s no torrenting, streaming, or Netflix – but if you want something basic and short-term, it works. AES 256-bit encryption makes sure that every data packet your computer sends and receives is virtually uncrackable. Servers from over 22 countries are readily available, with high connection speeds and low latencies. There’s a strict no-logging policy that makes sure nobody can ever access your data. The biggest limitation is that TunnelBear gives you just 500 MB of data every month, which is very little. This makes this a fair option for once-in-a-while usage, but little else.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in exploring free options to conceal your IP address, our Free Hide IP Address Guide is a must-read.

For those who are always on the go, we’ve got you covered too. Learn how to secure your online presence on your mobile devices with our detailed tutorials on how to hide your IP address on Android and iOS devices.

And if you’re a frequent downloader, you’ll definitely want to check out our Hide IP Address When Downloading Guide to ensure your activities remain private.

Each of these guides is designed to provide you with practical, step-by-step instructions to enhance your online privacy. Start exploring now! 

How to get a FREE VPN for 30 days

If you need a VPN for a short while when traveling for example, you can get our top ranked VPN free of charge. NordVPN includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. You will need to pay for the subscription, that’s a fact, but it allows full access for 30 days and then you cancel for a full refund. Their no-questions-asked cancellation policy lives up to its name.


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