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BBC iPlayer To iPhone Downloader

iDownloade is a cross-platform tool that allows user to download DRM-free content from BBC’s iPlayer service. It can download both videos in .mov format and audio/songs in .mp3 format. To play the video on the computer, you will have to download Quicktime from Apple. Otherwise copy it directly to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Here is how it works, from the left sidebar select Search, choose the channel where you want to search for programs and then click the small Binocular button on the right side. You can also select a category or enter keywords to filter out the result.


To start the download, double-click any content and it will begin downloading instantly. To see the full guide, watch the video below.

The only downside is that this app will work on UK only. This is because the BBC’s iPlayer is currently available for residents of UK only. If you are outside UK, then you can try running the app through UK Proxy and according to the developer it would work that way.

Download iDownload

Since it is developed on Java, it will work on all OS. We tested version 0.2. Enjoy!


  1. Problem with this program is(a) it appears to download the programme selected, and then the programme disappears, although it appears it the library. Looks as if the files is deleted.(b) no support/FAQ available, which considering (c) is not appreciated(c) you have to pay for it

  2. HI i will try if this works outside the UK.Last weel while being in the uK, I installed the IBBC player and downloaded two docu's Funny thing is that although they are on my HD as both as an .MP4 But both won't play without starting the IBBC player. Is there a way to convert these files so they can be played withouth the IBBC player?

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