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How to easily enable/disable scheduled tasks on Windows 10

We’ve often suggested using a scheduled task to accomplish simple, routine things on Windows 10. Windows 10 has a feature rich task scheduler that can be used to create tasks that are triggered by a wide set of events and which can in turn execute a variety of actions. The task scheduler is great but if you need a comprehensive look at your Windows 10 scheduled tasks, the app is a bit messy. If you need an easy way to enable/disable scheduled tasks on Windows 10, you can try the free Nirsoft utility called TaskSchedulerView.

Enable/disable scheduled tasks

Download and run TaskSchedulerView.

When you run the app, you will be able to see at a glance why it’s a great tool to have. The app gives you a one window look at all the currently configured tasks on your system. For each task, it shows you its status, when it was last run, its triggers, its run schedule, which files are executed when the task is run, the author of a task, its description, and much more.

The app basically allows you to view every single attribute of a task on one screen. You can sort the tasks by any of the columns making it easier to find a particular task.

To enable/disable scheduled tasks, select a task and click the little red button in the app’s toolbar. For some tasks, such as those that were created by Windows to run essential maintenance tasks, you will need admin rights to disable them.  Likewise, to run a task, you need to select it and click the green button in the app’s toolbar.

TaskSchedulerView is simple for the most part however, you can also use it to connect to a remote system and view and enable/disable scheduled tasks on it as well. The default task scheduler app on Windows 10 doesn’t focus much on making them easier to find. The UI hasn’t changed much over the years so you get more or less the same app that you did back in Windows 7. Even the Actions column is a bit of a mess.

TaskSchedulerView doesn’t add any new information to the list of tasks that it displays. Every single column, and the information listed under it can be looked up from the Task Scheduler app if you have the time and patience to go through the entire library. It’s just incredibly tedious to do so and the sorting options in the default app fall short of what TaskSchedulerView has to offer.

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