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How To Print Black & White In Microsoft Edge In Windows 10

Browsers let you send a print job to your printer. You can print a PDF file or even a web page. Although browsers support printing, web content itself isn’t optimized for it. You will see a lot of colors on an average web page that is simply meant to be read. The print dialog in some browsers might do away with ads when you print a web page but Microsoft Edge doesn’t. Instead, it gives you a photocopy of the web page, colors and all, to send to your printer. That doesn’t mean Edge can’t send a black & white print job to your printer. You just need to know how to change the color settings. Here’s how.

Open Microsoft Edge and navigate to the web page you want to print. Hit Ctrl+P to send it to print. This will take you to the print screen. It doesn’t have options for the color settings, however, this is where you can select your printer.

If you leave it set to the default, i.e. send to OneNote, you won’t be able to select the color mode. Change it to your actual printer. Next, scroll to the bottom and select ‘More settings’.


On the next screen, provided you’ve selected your own printer, you will see a drop-down called ‘Output options’. Open it and select ‘Monochrome’. This will allow you to print your document or a web page in black & white.


The setting is printer specific and if it reverts back to ‘Color’, you need to make sure your printer is the default one in Windows 10. If it isn’t, the print dialog will repeatedly reset the output options to ‘Color’.

This still will not remove ads from the final document that is going to be printed. You might need to find an extension for Edge that does that. There are several available for Chrome so if you just need to print something, you might consider using Chrome instead of Edge.


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