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Volafile.io Is An Anonymous File Sharing Service Built Around Chat Rooms

The Internet has made it possible to be able to share anything we want with anyone we want, thanks to the plenty of file sharing services around. But the problem with many such tools is that they don’t let you share files anonymously. Services like Dropbox, SkyDrive and Google Drive are deemed among the top cloud storage and sharing solutions, but they require you to create accounts with them first. So, if privacy is your utmost concern and you want to be able to anonymously share files without having to create a user account, try Volafile.io. It’s a very user-friendly service that lets you send files to others in real-time using what Volafile refers to as ‘Rooms’, which are basically chat rooms that allow groups of users to collaboratively upload and download files.


The barebones landing page of Volafile lets you either create new room or ‘Discover’ one of the existing ones, which is basically joining a room that has already been created by some other user. Any user can join and start sharing files with others in any room, as Volafile doesn’t put any limitations or access permissions in place.


When you click a room link from the Discover page, the full dashboard is presented to you, with the right side comprising of a list of files that are uploaded by it users. You can either preview any of the files directly in your browser (if supported), or download them to your computer via the ‘Save Link As’ context menu option. If a room comprises of multiple type of items, you can click Documents, Images, Videos, Music, Archives and Other links to only show those items. In addition, the Search bar can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. The left side of the interface is the Chat section, which displays instant messages from the room’s current users. Unlike most other chat services, you don’t even have to choose a user name to join the chat.


Alternatively, you can create your own room from scratch and specify a custom name of your choice for it. All the rooms look the same, which means you cannot customize the aesthetic elements of yours. To upload a file, either click the Upload button or simply drag and drop your desired file over the dashboard. Files uploaded to Volafile are automatically deleted after 12 hours, and the time remaining till a file gets deleted is displayed next to its size.


Overall, it’s a great anonymous file sharing service that can prove useful if you want to share files with multiple users without registering an account with a service.

Visit Volafile.io


  1. You can not delete your own posts! That means if you are accidentally uploading the wrong file you are screwed. Stay away !!!

  2. wow…awesome and thanks for the screenshot of the example of rooms…
    because you never know when you’ll need to enter a room like “ballsucker69” and anonymously share files with a group of anonymous people…riiiiiiight.

    no thanks, whole thing sounds like a an avenue for idiots, Jackasses & pedophiles to spread viruses,malware & kiddie porn…

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