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What Is .DS_Store And How To Remove It?

What is .DS_Store?

.DS_Store, which stands for Desktop Services Store is a hidden file created in every local folder in Mac OS X. This file stores custom attributes such as position of folder icons and the choice of background colors. By default it will be created in every local folder accessed by Mac OS X.

Since it is hidden, itโ€™s not a big problem through, it acts a bit similar to Thumb.db which is created automatically in every folder in Windows Operating System. Removing .DS_Store and Thumb.db is OK since they are not system files.

The question is why to remove .DS_Store when it is hidden in Mac OS X operating systems? When you copy any folder from Mac to your Windows OS, these files become visible and annoying.

Removing .DS_Store and Thumb.db

  • Copy Folder From Mac to Windows = .DB_Store will become visible and annoying
  • Copy Folder From Windows to Mac = Thumb.db will become visible and annoying

FolderWasher is a free tool for both Windows And Mac operating systems that removes .DB_Store and Thumb.db files from the folders instantly.

Jus drag and drop the folders that you want to clean in this tool and it will handle the rest itself.

folderwasher main

After you drag the folders, it will ask you for a few options, select the desired action and click Wash.

delete thumb.db fileListed below are are some features of this tool:

  • Deletes all files whose name begin with period of a given folder
  • Ability to Zip compress the washed folder
  • Ability to delete ‘Thumb.db’ files on Macintosh
  • Ability to create on the fly a list of files that should not be deleted, like “.htaccess” files
  • Very easy to use with its friendly interface



  1. Just do what shane said…

    For mac of course.

    Go into terminal application and then copy and paste “defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE” (but without the speech marks). Then type in “killall Finder” (Again, without the speech marks.)

    Then, it should be gone. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. When this folder is showing it could be that some how hidden files are being showed. If you need to hide the files agin, which will get rid of the annoying db_store folder onpen the terminal in the utilities under applications.

    Once there type this command then hit enter

    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

    killall Finder

    and presto that folder shall be gone

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