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How To Get Double Tap To Lock On Any Android Phone

Double tap to lock has been a part of Android for a long time. It’s a simple gesture that lets you lock your screen. If you have a particularly large device, it’s easier to use this gesture to lock the screen than use the power button. It also means you use the power button less which might matter to some users. It’s a great option if your power button is broken. The only problem is that not all devices have this feature. It’s useful but device manufacturers might deem it useless and remove it altogether. The answer, if you’re missing the feature is to use an app to get it back. EasyLock is a simple, no nonsense app that gives you the double tap to lock feature on any Android phone. You don’t need to root your device. All you need is Android 4 or above.

EasyLock isn’t available on the Google Play Store. It’s an open source app that you download as an APK, and install manually on your device. Installing an APK manually is easy but you need a file browsing app on your phone to install the app. The Google Play Store has a whole host of these apps to choose from.

Download EasyLock to your PC and then copy it your device’s storage. Use the file browsing app to navigate to the APK file and tap to install it. The app will appear in your app drawer but not on the home screen. Run EasyLock and grant it the permission it needs to add double tap to lock.

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Once you’ve granted the app permission, return to the app and configure it. It’s not turned on automatically even though you’ve given it the permission it needs to run. Flip the switch inside the app to turn it on.

By default, the app only registers a double tap when it’s on the Status bar or the navigation bar. If you want it to work on any area of your screen, enable the ‘Double tap anywhere to lock’ option. It will let you double tap anywhere on your screen to lock your device.

It’s worth mentioning that this might interfere with other gestures on your device. If you have double tap configured to a different action, the app might not work.

You can set EasyLock to run whenever you turn your device on. It runs continuously in the background. You can enable a status bar notification to make it easier to quit the app when you need to.

If you decide the app isn’t for you, don’t just uninstall it the way you uninstall other apps. You need to first revoke the permissions you gave the app, turn it off, and then uninstall it.

Download EasyLock


  1. I have Samsung Galaxy A10e and would love to have the double tap feature to wake up and to put to sleep or on and off…any chance of that becoming a development or the like?

    Apr. 15, 2020 Thanks

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