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QwickNote: Gesture Based Note Taking App With Text, Photo, Voice Memo & Reminder [Android]

Note taking apps are like weather apps; there are a lot of both of them. I haven’t found an app that takes notes and tells you the weather but I have found a neat little note taking app that is gesture based, covers all the bases you would want in a note taking app including voice and photo based notes, and it syncs to Dropbox. QwickNote is a free ad-supported app that lets you take notes. For an ad-free version, download the pro version of the app.  Apart from letting you create text, photo, and voice based notes, it also lets you create lists, set reminders for your notes, add check boxes to your lists, edit the text size, and a lot more.

You start off with a bunch of notes that are instructional and teach you how to add a new note and how to delete one. Swipe right to bring up the options. Tap the plus button for a simple text based note, the camera button for using a photo, the list button for creating a list, and the mic to record and save a voice memo. Notes can be sorted into folders; swipe left to create new folders or switch between them.

QwickNote QwickNote new note

When you tap, hold, and swipe a note to the right, options for copying the text, marking it as a favorite, and setting a reminder for the note appear. You can move a note to a folder, share it with others and attach files on your device to it.

QwickNote options QwickNote schedule

The app’s settings can be accessed from the gears button on the left options bar. Here you can customize the appearance of the notes down to the text size and color, and you can set up sync. QwickNote lets you sync notes with Dropbox and also with Google Tasks.  The notes can be sorted by date and the app can be set to open a new note fresh for editing each time you launch the app. QwickNote supports both portrait and landscape orientation but you can lock it so that it will override your device’s settings.

QwickNote settings QwickNote settings2

The app color codes notes you’ve marked important, and also has a recycle bin that stores deleted notes. The notes can be restored or deleted permanently. The Recycle Bin and all items in it can be accessed from the respective option on the Settings screen. It supports English, Dutch, and Spanish. The interface is nice and neat, so like we said, the bases are indeed covered. No bugs and nothing left wanting.

Install QwickNote From Google Play Store

Install QwickNote Pro From Google Play Store



  1. Hi, Thanks for testing our app. Liked Your review and let’s hope others will also enjoy the simplicity of QwickNote, because it was made for productive people. Thank You.

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