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eMailDodo: A Cloud Service That Lets You Send Emails To Groups [Web]

eMailDodo is web app that allows you to send emails to groups of friends or family via an email cloud service, and all members in your group can use the same, single email address. It’s easy to remember and saves up a whole lot of time. You won’t have to worry about mistyping an email ID, or even accidentally leaving somebody out. With eMailDodo, you can efficiently create and administer the email groups, and everybody gets email-sending rights. Furthermore, you can add up to 50 members in a group, which is often more then enough.

eMailDodo requires a simple sign up, after which you can create groups and send them emails with ease. To start adding members, click Create a New Group. You will have to enter the E-mail, Name and Mobile (optional) of the members. In addition to that, you can also Import and Export your contacts, and even edit member details using the spreadsheet option.


The Groups option at the top of the page lets you access all your added groups, where you can Send Mail, Send Question, See Answers and See Members. Furthermore, you can also delete the entire group.


Click the Send Email via web option in order to send a mail to your group. The mail will be sent to everyone in the group, and everyone can easily reply back to all the members without having to worry about manual selection of recipients.

sendmail (2)

If you’re wondering how and where this could possibly come in handy, think of any such time when you needed to email a whole bunch of people and they needed to email everyone right back. While you can arguably create a group of contacts in most email services, the problem is that not everyone will create the same group. They might miss someone out or they may even abstain from emailing back because they will have to include so many other people in the email and it’s too much of a bother (yes, people like that exist). Similar to creating a personal chat room for just the people you want to talk to, this is a group email that everyone can use. Where it is handy for creating group emails for family and friends, it can also be handy at work if group emails are something that only select people have access to and you have vacation pictures you want to share.

eMailDodo is fast, efficient and handy, letting you save time and making life easier. Visit the link below and let us know what you think.

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