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Find People On Plus – Find Google+ Profiles By Name, Profession & More

The inevitable has happened; there is now a search engine for Google+ profiles. This isn’t some some crackpot wildcard project but actually a smart, well designed and well thought out one; Find People On Plus lets you search Google+ profiles based on Name, Profession, Location, Followers, Following, Gender, Relationship status and more. Google+ to this point might just be showing people who are in your network but this service will help you find interesting people to follow, maybe hire your next great employee or perhaps just find someone to carpool with.

find people on plus

Find People On Plus acts as both a search engine and as the Yellow Pages for Google+ profiles. All available filters are located in a panel on the left, simply click the one you want to apply and results will be filtered accordingly. You can search for people by name from the search bar or browse them by name using the People Directory link in the top right.

The usefulness of this service is whatever you make of it; we’ve all done a people search at one point or the other in our lives, Google+ is just another place to search for them.

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