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Imgur Uploader Allows Easy And Fast Image Uploads From Desktop

If you’re an active user on Reddit or Digg, you are probably already using Imgur. For those who are unaware, Imgur is a quick and easy image sharing service offering both account-based image sharing, as well as free, community images visible to all. Most common usage of Imgur is to quickly upload images for sharing, and hence the software Imgur Uploader wants to make the process more easier from any desktop.

Based on Imgur’s new API, this program allows easy and quick uploading on images by just dragging and dropping them into the area specified. You get to view the uploaded image in browser, so you can grab the share link easily.


The program has been developed in Adobe Air, and hence can run on all three major platforms, i.e., Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Please remember that this software does not compress or modify the image in any way, so if you are processing some large files, make sure you have sufficient bandwidth on your internet connection.

We tested Imgur Uploader on Windows 7 32-bit OS.

Download Imgur Uploader


  1. An alternative to this would be Rightload. Very small app for windows (that doesnt require Air) that supports drag&drop, or just a silent upload to your favorite hostigservice (imageshack, flickr, facebook etc) or custom Ftp via the context menu when you right click. Also a bunch of advanced options ans support for Plugins. http://rightload.org/index.php

    • We have reviewed it here: https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/upload-photos-directly-to-facebook-flickr-tinypic-or-imageshack-from-windows/

      But sadly, it does not support Imgur.

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