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LyricStatus: Update Facebook Status With Your Favorite Lyrics [Web]

Often words cant express our true feelings, but at times, lyrics to a certain song tend to explain exactly what we’re going through. Using lyrics to tell your friends on Facebook about how you feel might be a good idea, but finding lyrics to the song you’re listening to, or typing them out can always be a hassle. You don’t want to make a typo, or misquote the lyrics, and get embarrassed, do you? LyricStatus is a web app that lets you search song lyrics by both song and artist, and ever update your Facebook status effortlessly, provided you’ve logged in with your Facebook credentials. Read on to discover more.

The service lets you search for any track or artist by querying its name. Alternatively, you can browse by alphabets, displaying artist names in alphabetical order.


Different categories can be found at the bottom of the page, and you can browse by Newest, Most popular lyrics and Song lyrics on Facebook.


From your search results, select the lyrics you want to use to update your status. When selected, lyrics are highlighted in orange, and a pop-up appears that you can click to post the lyrics to Facebook.


To give users more control, you can modify what you post. So, you may either post the lyrics to your wall, or a friend’s wall by entering a name. Furthermore, you can also add quotes or a link to the lyrics.

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Overall, LyricStatus is user-friendly web app that quickly allows you to express your feelings and sentiments through song lyrics on the world’s most-used social network. It has a great variety of songs, and can be especially useful when you really don’t know what to put up as a status message. LyricStatus is completely free and can be found at the link below.

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