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Page up: Go To The Top Of A Webpage Without Scrolling [Chrome]

Navigation can be a problem especially when users reach the end of a lengthy webpage and want to quickly get back to the top. How do users get back to the top of the page? They either use the scroll wheel or the scroll bar. The Home button on the keyboard is another option that allows you to get back to the top, but users who like using their mouse to scroll websites may find Page up quite useful. This handy Chrome extension adds a Page up button to websites and makes navigating lengthy pages much easier. It allows you to go to the top of a webpage without using the scroll bar, mouse wheel or the keyboard. Moreover, the button can easily be placed anywhere on a webpage by dragging it around.

By default, the page up button is added to the left top corner of the webpage, but users can easily move it around by dragging it. Upon reaching end of a lengthy page, you can click this button and the website will automatically be scrolled back up to the top.

page up

This is a simple but useful extension, specially for users who prefer using the mouse to scroll websites. It works smoothly and has no settings or options, whatsoever.

Install Page up For Google Chrome


    • And who are unable to hold down a mouse button while moving the mouse. Because that’s all it takes to get to the top of the page using the scroll bar. You can even use a scrollwheel click. It’s chasing a problem that was already solved. Multiple solutions are fine but it should be acknowledged that there are native solutions to having to sit through the pain of a slow scroll.

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