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TimelineRemove: Hide Facebook Timeline For All Profiles [Chrome]

Facebook timelines have been met with a mixed response. People who hate it are generally concerned about the items that will be pinned to your timeline for everyone to see unless you remove the ones you’d rather forget about. Aside from the embarrassing implications of timeline, many users have taken cover photos as a great way to express their creativity. That doesn’t mean everyone is now happy with the timeline though. If you don’t like the new Timeline feature on Facebook and want to view profiles in the old style, then TimelineRemove is the perfect Chrome extension for you. This tiny, but handy tool disables the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look, without changing the timeline behavior for other visitors of your Facebook profile. The extension basically works by hiding the timeline, so you can view your own and others’ profiles in the old style. TimelineRemove works automatically once installed, and a button is added to the toolbar that lets you toggle the timeline on and off, whenever you want.

As soon as you install the extension, the Facebook timeline feature is disabled automatically, and a toggle is added right next to the URL bar. A button is added to the toolbar that allows you to toggle the timeline feature on and off. Click this button and the Status will be displayed in a pop-up. Click the TimeLine Remove option to enable or disable it. A red cross is shown when the Timeline feature is on, whereas a green tick means the timeline feature is off.

old style

A button is added to the toolbar that allows you to toggle the timeline feature on and off. Click this button and the Status will be displayed in a pop-up. Click the TimeLine Remove option to enable or disable it. A red cross is shown when the Timeline feature is on, whereas a green tick means the timeline feature is off.


Implications of this extension are that the timeline is only hidden and not removed. It is very much still there but has been masked with the old view. Since timeline was somewhat of a cosmetic change, it can be overridden but this change is on your system and for your viewing only. Friends and family who view your profile will still see the timeline complete cover photo. You will notice that some options from Timeline such as the cog wheel next to the Activity button at the right is still there but the View as option will not work as will some of the other options from the new interface.

TimelineRemove is a pretty slick extension, and all those who would like to view profiles in the classic style will definitely love it. Install it from the link below and enjoy browsing Facebook just like you used to.

Install TimelineRemove For Google Chrome


  1. Its not gone, I just installed it three days ago. HOWEVER, it only works in Chrome, which is – I’ll be polite – not my choice of browsers. There needs to be one for Firefox AND mobile.

    And while you can decide who sees your profile, there is NO WAY to fix it so others see a normal profile. If you like shouting down a well, you can complain to facebook or join one of the anti timeline groups; but your only real recourse is to quit using facebook completely. Zuckerberg & co simply don’t care what users think.

  2. How do I prevent others from seeing my timeline???? I don’t like timeline and I don’t want all my information on timeline! I understand I can use the app for not seeing timeline but I don’t want others to see mine either.

    • Linda,

      Go to the drop-down arrow at the side of HOME on the top right of your screen. Click on Privacy settings and decide from there what info, pics, etc, you want to share with anyone else.

      Hope this helps.  🙂

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