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Kill All Apps From The iOS 7 App Switcher In One Go With Purge

One can’t help but feel that the evasi0n jailbreak for iOS 7 has been released in somewhat of a hurry. Very few Cydia tweaks are compatible with iOS 7 for now, and even the jailbreak store itself retained the legacy UI until today. This is certainly understandable though, as iOS 7 is such a huge update, and revamps almost every part of the platform. It took quite a long time for the Cydia store to get populated with tweaks compatible with iOS 6, and it might take even longer this time around, but it is nice to see that the jailbreak community hasn’t gone dormant, as a few neat little tweaks have already started to surface in the refreshed Cydia store. Purge is among the first jailbreak tweaks that take aim at one of the overhauled parts of iOS. The tweak lets you get rid of all the apps residing in the App Switcher list with a single touch. The idea itself isn’t completely new, as in the past, we have seen releases like SwitcherPlus and WeeKillBackground do the same, but someone had to implement it on iOS 7, and the developer behind Purge has done just that.

Purge iOS Clear Apps

Purge is a really simple tweak, and you won’t have to do much in order to make it work. Once you let the Cydia store refresh completely, you will see the new UI, along with this tweak listed in the BigBoss repository. Just install the tweak, and wait for the device to respring. There won’t be any visible changes once the tweak has been installed, as Purge does not add any entry of its own to the SpringBoard, App Switcher, or the stock Settings app.

In order to see the tweak in action, launch the App Switcher by double-tapping the Home button. The next step is to tap and hold any card shown in the multitasking list. Holding an icon doesn’t work; you have to press the card above it. When that is done, an alert shows up, asking for confirmation before all apps are removed from the Switcher. Tapping ‘Yes’ closes all running apps and takes the user out of the App Switcher.

Although it is possible to kill up to three apps in one go by swiping them upwards simultaneously, Purge offers a solution that is sure to come in handy on many occasions. The tweak is available as a free download in the jailbreak store, and works only on 32-bit devices running iOS 7.

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