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QuickShoot Is The Fastest, Most Discreet Way To Take Photos On iPhone

Most iPhone owners use their device’s camera quite frequently, but there are times when even the lock screen shortcut is not quick enough to let you capture that right moment. You can pin the Camera app to your dock, or use one of the many available Cydia tweaks that offer camera shortcut options for Notification Center. QuickShoot is a tweak that serves a dual purpose. For one thing, you get to snap photos secretly, since there won’t be any viewfinder on the screen. Secondly, it saves you the hassle of launching the camera app and waiting for it to load completely before shooting a photo. All it takes is going to the SpringBoard of your iPhone and double-tapping the camera icon. Sounds convenient, right?

QuickShoot iOS Cydia QuickShoot iOS Location

Available in the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store, QuickShoot is a free tweak. Being a single-purpose tweak, it requires no configuration once installed and since everything is set up automatically, it does not have any Settings menu or icon of its own on the SpringBoard. There have been a few similar tweaks in the past, but they forced users to add an ugly widget or icon to the Home screen. QuickShoot, on the other hand, works without making any visible changes.

To check if the tweak has been installed successfully, double-tap the camera icon on your SpringBoard. Like all camera and photo-related apps, QuickShoot requires access to your current location and you will have to grant it before using the tweak for the first time. From the next time onward, you just have to double-tap the camera icon and the scene in front of you will be captured straight away. The viewfinder and the Camera app don’t show up, and you only hear the shutter sound as conformation that the picture has been captured. If you want to snap pictures discreetly, keep your device in silent mode before using QuickShoot, as this is the only way of muting the shutter sound.

QuickShoot is almost perfect in its current state, but the tweak’s developer has promised to make it even better with customization options for camera flash and exposure control, as well as better automatic focus. For now, the images shot by double-tapping the Camera icon are stored in the camera roll just like ordinary photos, but leave a little to be desired in terms of photo quality. The tweak is compatible with iOS 6 only, so feel free to give it a try if you have an updated device.

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