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SMS Stats Shows Total & Per-Contact Count Of Messages Sent Or Received On Your iPhone

I am sure most of us remember the days when feature phones were the only mobile devices around. Some people might call them “dumb phones” now that smartphones have taken over, but there were a few things about features phones that made them really convenient to use. The SMS menus in most older devices came with message counters that could be used to track your SMS usage with ease. iOS devices are so full of awesome features that such small yet handy features tend to get overlooked at times. Luckily, iOS has the App Store and Cydia to fill whatever void is left by the OS. SMS Stats is a new app for jailbroken iPhone and iPod touch that acts as a comprehensive messages counter. Not only does the app list the total number of messages sent and received on your device, it also shows the ratio of SMS and iMessage usage, your most frequently used contact and messaging stats for your conversations with any individual contact in your address book.

SMS Stats iOS General SMS Stats iOS Last Month SMS Stats iOS Friends

The great thing about SMS Stats is that it shows data even from before its time of installation. The General tab displays stats for every SMS or iMessage ever sent from your iPhone. The stats show the total number of messages, messages sent from, and texts received on your device. The app lists SMS and iMessage counts separately, making sure you can keep track of your usage in case you have a limited SMS or data package. Other than these generic stats, the app also shows your Top Contact – the contact with whom you’ve corresponded most frequently. There are three additional fields below the top contact’s name that display the exact number of texts you have sent and received to and from the contact.

To get a better idea of your texting habits, go to the Last Month tab in SMS Stats. It shows the same kind of stats as the General menu. Perhaps the most interesting functionality offered by the app is the Friends tab. The Friends menu lets you manually choose as many contacts from the address book as required to track the stats of your correspondence with them.

Note that the data displayed by the app does not get updated in real-time, so if you receive texts while you’re within the app, you’ll have to re-launch it to view changes in its stats. SMS Stats is available for free in the BigBoss repo.

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