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Import & Link HTML Datasheet In Access 2010

Access 2010 lets user import web datasheet which could be very useful, especially when you are dealing with data tables saved in HTML format. Through importing them to Access 2010 database you can easily start defining data types and apply constraints. Apart from importing data table, you can also link web datasheet with Access 2010 database table which enables smooth synchronization between data tables.

To start off with, launch Access 2010 database, navigate to External Data tab and from More options click HTML Document.

html docu

It will start Get External Data–HTML Document wizard, click Browse to select the HTML file you need to import and enable Link to the data source by creating a linked table option. Click OK to continue.

link html

In this step, enable First Row Contains Column Headings options. If you are linking a raw HTML datasheet without titles, leave this option and click Next.


Here you can specify data types for each table field, select a field from bottom of dialog and specify Field Name, Indexed type and Data Type. Click Advanced to customize extra options.


It will bring up Link Specification dialog, here you can specify Language, Code Page and in case your datasheet contains values in date/time format, then you can change Date Order, Date Delimiter and Time Delimiter. Click OK to return to wizard and hit Next to proceed further.


Give imported table an appropriate name and click Finish to end the wizard.


It will immediately import and create link (sync) with HTML datasheet.

table imported

Since we have created a link (sync), therefore on changing values in Access database table, the changes will also be applied in HTML file.


You can also check out previously reviewed guides on How to Export table to Plain Text in Access 2010 & Send Access 2010 Database Table with Email Tool.


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