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Dismiss Banner Notifications With A Swipe In iOS 5 Without Jailbreak

iOS 5-Notification-Banner-Swipe-To-Close-DismissTruly a LOL moment, indeed, if you ask us. Earlier we covered NCQucikDismiss, a nifty Cydia tweak that let you dismiss the banner notifications in iOS 5 quickly, by tapping the close button. Of course, if your iOS 5 device was not Jailbroken, this solution was not meant for you. Well, looks like Apple already had a solution in place that most did not figure out. Thanks to our friends over at iDownloadBlog, we now know exactly how to dismiss the banner quickly, without the need of jailbreaking our iOS device or using any third-party hack, mod, app or tool. Read on for more on how to do so.

Introduced in iOS 5, Banner notifications are a great way to get notified instantly of any app or system events. They show up as a banner on the very top of the screen, covering the status bar. When first coming across these, many of us got frustrated at apparently not having a way to dismiss them quickly, and ended up simply waiting till they would fade off. This was because by default, they didn’t have any close button. That led the hacking community into developing NCQuickDismiss that put a close button on these, allowing you to dismiss them with just a tap. That left those without jailbroken devices frustrated, as that tweak required a jailbroken device. Though it appears that the whole thing wasn’t necessary at all, since the ability to dismiss banner notifications quickly seems to have already been there in iOS 5 by default.

Enough history, let’s get on to quickly dismissing the banner notifications. The next time you see the notification banner, try swiping on it to the left, and voila, it will fade away. We tried it, and it actually did work without any issue whatsoever. However, there are reports of some people being unable to do so. In case you aren’t getting the complete picture, here is a video that shows the dismissing process in action, courtesy of iDownloadBlog shows.

As for the Cydia tweak, if you are jailbroken, you still might find the close button more convenient, which also works for the Notification Center in addition to the banner notifications. Swiping is not exactly the choice of interface for everyone when it comes to things like these. Let us know if you prefer the swipe over a neat close button, or, for what it’s worth, did this swipe technique work for you?

[via iDownloadBlog]


  1. Or you can pull down and up the notificatin center, just a little bit (not all the way down) and it will make the banner go away.

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