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Metro Skin For UberMusic Beta Released To Android Market

Well, that was fast! Earlier today, we reported the release of the first beta of UberMusic, a sleek new Android music player from the developer of LauncherPro that, courtesy of the metro-style user interface that governed the alpha versions, has established quite a following. To our (short-lived) dismay, the developer decided to drop the Windows Phone 7 look in Beta 1 of the player. Though the new interface was still marginally better looking than those of most other music players on the Android Market, we hoped we wouldn’t have to wait too long for someone to release a metro-style skin for its interface. Thanks to the player’s new, powerful skinning engine, its freshly released second beta with skinning support and a debuting developer, we won’t have to. Metro UberMusic Skin turns the player into an exact interface-wise replica of its alpha variants and is available for free from the Android Market. Screenshots and download link after the break.


You will need to download and install UberMusic Beta 2 to apply the custom skin. The new beta adds a Skin and Find Skin option to the app’s settings menu (Menu > Settings > Skin).


The release of the skin isn’t the only good news about UberMusic today. The developer has just released a custom skin creation manual for the music player. We’ve seen what the skinning engine is capable of and can bet all you theme/skin developers out there are bound to have quite a bit of fun playing around with it. You can view said manual here.

Download Metro UberMusic Skin For Android

Download UberMusic Beta 2

[via @fedecarnales]

1 Comment

  1. I have the HTC Inspire 4G and I just downloaded this skin. I really want to use but I can’t figure out how to turn it on. I tried gong into settings but nothing is working. Please help me I would really love to use this skin. Thanks!

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