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How To Block Unwanted Website In Ubuntu Linux

If your Ubuntu computer is used by some one else besides yourself, specially children, then you might want to restrict some websites and make sure they do not open on your system. Here is a quick way to block such sites in Ubuntu. It is extremely simple doesn’t require any third party application, you just need to make a simple entry in the /etc/hosts file.

/etc/hosts is a very important file which handles DNS and internet handling on Linux based systems. In order to block some site from opening, open the /etc/hosts file by typing the following command on the terminal:

gedit /etc/hosts

and add the following line:   domain.com

Here replace domain.com with the name of the domain that you wish to block.

Now whenever there is an attempt to open the blocked website, the web browser will display the “Failed To Connect” message.

Firefox Ubuntu


  1. IMHO Its best to speak with your children, instead of trying to live in a bunker. /etc/hosts is not built for blocking access, there are several nanny tools that have community maintained lists. Long time ago IE 4 had parental controls, and being only 14 I was able to hack them in no time, and it was me who set the password in the first place. So if you are seriously considering taking advice from this post you are doing parenting wrong. And sysadmin worse, but that is just my humble opinion.

    • “IMHO Its best to speak with your children, instead of trying to live in a bunker.”

      Speaking to your children and locking down your computer are both valid and complementary. You cannot say a person doing the latter and asking for help is not also doing the former.

      “So if you are seriously considering taking advice from this post you are doing parenting wrong.”

      Most parents would appreciate not being patronized by someone who presumably, going by clues in the post, may be too young or too inexperienced to be giving out parenting advice.

      Your post otherwise was helpful. Please stick to being helpful without the patronizing tone.

    • sudo gedit /etc/hosts

      sudo, gives you access to files that only the administrator can access. It asks for your password

  2. A better way would use iptables. There are several frontends for iptables that make configuration simple. The problem with /etc/hosts is that too many entries can slow you down.

  3. i undrstood how to block a website in single machine but how 2 block website for all users on same network.

  4. i can not save hosts file bcz it’s read only (unchangeable)… now how can i save hosts file??

    • you must be super user to modify the file since it is owned by root.
      either get super user privileges first by typing “su” or “sudo su”
      or do it at once with “sudo gedit /etc/hosts”

      If you want to get to a site blocked using this method try using a free web proxy such as www.freedombyproxy.com

    • you must be superuser in order to make changes….log in as superuser and then try it again

    • Just type
      sudo gedit /etc/hosts
      then type your password as demanded and you will be able to edit and save the file.
      Btw it is also answered three comments above..!

    • in terminal, type: sudo suenter your passwordthen type: gedit /etc/hostsadd the line127.0.0.1 siteyouwannablock.commake sure you exclude the “http://” and make sure you block all sub-domains of the site.hope this helped!example: siteyouwannablock.com127.0.0.1 www.siteyouwannablock.com127.0.0.1 ad-server.siteyouwannablock.com

    • i made it. write likes (must give same coloumn between and www.facebook.com on above) localhost muhinboss-desktop www.facebook.com

      # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
      ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
      fe00::0 ip6-localnet
      ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
      ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
      ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
      ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

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