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How to install the Mcata GTK theme on Linux

If you like macOS Catalina and want to make your Linux PC look like it, the Mcata GTK theme is for you. It almost perfectly mimics the look of macOS Catalina, and it even includes both a dark and light variant. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install the Mcata GTK theme on Linux.

Downloading Mcata on Linux

To download the Mcata GTK theme, you must head over to the “Files” tab on Gnome-look.org, a popular Linux theme website. After clicking on the “Files” tab, you will see a large selection of themes to choose from. These themes are;

  • Mcata-dark
  • Mcata-dark-alt
  • Mcata-dark-solid
  • Mcata-dark-solid-alt
  • Mcata-light
  • Mcata-light-at
  • Mcata-light-solid
  • Mcata-light-solid-alt

To download any of these Mcata GTK theme archives, follow the instructions outlined below.


To get your hands on Mcata-dark, click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-dark.tar.xz.


Want to try out Mcata-dark-alt? Click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-dark-alt.tar.xz.


Are you looking to use Mcata-dark-solid? Click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-dark-solid.tar.xz.


Those who want to try out Mcata-dark-solid-alt, click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-dark-solid-alt.tar.xz.


Prefer light themes? Want to take Mcata-light for a spin? Click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-light.tar.xz.


Want to try out Mcata-light-alt on your computer? |Click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-light-alt-20200623011809.tar.xz.


If you’re a fan of Mcata-light, but would prefer the solid version, click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-light-solid.tar.xz.


There’s an alternative spin of Mcata-light solid. To get it, click on the blue button in the “DL” column next to Mcata-light-solid-alt.tar.xz.

Confirm download

Want to confirm that your download is complete? Run the ls command in the ~/Downloads directory in combination with the grep command. If the Mcata GTK theme downloads successfully, it will appear in the command output.

ls ~/Downloads | grep Mcata

Extracting Mcata on Linux

Extracting the Mcata GTK theme is essential, as when the theme file is downloaded from Gnome-look.org, it can not be installed because it is in a TarXZ archive.

Open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. To extract a TarXZ archive, you need to make use of the tar command. Follow the extraction commands below that correspond with the version of the Mcata GTK theme you chose to download.


cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Mcata-dark.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Mcata-dark-alt.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Mcata-dark-solid.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Mcata-dark-solid-alt.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Mcata-light.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Mcata-light-alt-20200623011809.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Mcata-light-solid.tar.xz


cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Mcata-light-solid-alt.tar.xz

Installing Mcata on Linux

There are two ways to install the Mcata GTK theme on Linux. The first way is to install it in single-user mode. Single-user mode means that the Mcata GTK theme will only be available to the person that installs it. The second way of installing the Mcata GTK theme is the system-wide mode. System-wide mode means that every user on the Linux PC will have access to Mcata, even if they haven’t installed it themselves. In this guide, we’ll go over how to set it up in both ways.


To install the Mcata GTK theme on Linux in single-user mode, start by opening up a terminal window. Then, when the terminal window is open, use the mkdir command to create the ~/.themes folder. This folder will handle the Mcata GTK theme on your system.

mkdir -p ~/.themes

After creating the ~/.themes folder, use the CD command to move into the ~/Downloads directory where the Mcata theme is located.

cd ~/Downloads

Once inside of the ~/Downloads directory, use the mv command to move the files into the ~/.theme folder.

mv Mcata*/ ~/.themes


To install the Mcata GTK Theme on your Linux PC in system-wide mode, start by opening up a terminal window. From there, use the CD command to move into the ~/Downloads directory.

Inside of the ~/Downloads directory, elevate your terminal session to the root account. The root account is required to install the Mcata GTK theme in system-wide mode.

sudo -s

Once the terminal session is logged into the root account, use the mv command to install the Mcata GTK theme into the /usr/share/themes/ directory on your Linux PC.

mv Mcata*/ /usr/share/themes/

Enabling Mcata on Linux

The Mcata GTK theme is now on your Linux PC. However, you will not be able to use it until it is set as the default GTK theme. To enable it as the GTK theme, open up the settings window for your desktop and change the default theme to “Mcata.” Or, if you’re unsure of how to enable the MCata GTK theme, follow one of the links below.

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