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How to use Google Meet codes to join a meeting

Google Meet meetings are easy to create and join. You have the option to use Google Meet with a Google account, or without it. Likewise, anyone that you invite to a meeting can join it, regardless if they’re signed into a Google account or not.

Google Meet code

Google Meet links are also relatively easy to share. Unlike a Zoom meeting link, a Google Meet meeting link is much smaller and broken down into sections so that it can be shared or typed more easily. 

Google Meet codes

A Google Meet code is ten characters long. It follows the 3-4-3 pattern and each section is separated by a hyphen making it easier to read, and enter. 

Identify Google Meet code

A Google Meet code can be entered on the Google Meet web app, or in the mobile apps. The link does not necessarily have to be entered in whole.

If you’re not sure what the Google Meet code for a meeting is, follow the guidelines.

If you’ve generated a new meeting link, the part that follows after the .com/ is the meeting code. In the example below, the meeting code is: yfz-aivq-qrg


Use Google Meet code

Once you have the code, you can use it to join a meeting. 

On the Google Meet web app;

  1. Visit Google Meet.
  2. Click inside the Enter a code or nickname field.
  3. Enter the code.
  4. Tap Enter and you’ll be able to join the meeting.

To use a code on the Google Meet iOS or Android apps, follow these steps.

  1. Open Google Meet.
  2. Tap Join a meeting.
  3. Enter the code in the field.
  4. Tap Join.

When you enter the code, make sure you enter the hyphens as well. The code is essentially part of the URL for the meeting. It makes the code easier to read but it doesn’t mean the hyphen is useless. 

If you’re worried about the link or the meeting not being secure since it isn’t encrypted, there isn’t much that can be done. Google Meet doesn’t have a password option but the meeting host has the option to allow or deny entry to someone trying to enter the meeting.


The Google Meet code is a lot like the Meeting ID that Zoom gives users. Unlike Zoom, Google Meet gets it done with the link. The Google Meet link isn’t encrypted like the Zoom link since no password is involved. That’s why the link works as a link and has an easy-to-enter code added to it. 

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