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FIX: Microsoft Teams Error Code 4c7 (Quick Guide)

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Microsoft Teams is an app that is often used in companies as a communication tool. While Microsoft Teams has a free version, companies opt for the paid/business version and give employees access through their active directory accounts. It’s a simple way to deploy an app organization-wide but sometimes, it can run into trouble.

Fix error code 4c7 Microsoft Teams

Error code 4c7 is a sign-in error and users who sign in to Microsoft Teams with an AD (active directory) account encounter it. Unfortunately, this error isn’t something that an end-user can resolve. If you’re seeing this error, you need to talk to your system administrator and tell them to try these fixes.

1. Check Teams is enabled

Microsoft Teams is part of Microsoft/Office 365 when you purchase an enterprise /education license. Companies can choose which apps are available to their employees when they grant licenses.

If users are seeing error code 4c7 in Microsoft Teams, check if you may have accidentally turned Teams off for your organization. You can check from the Microsoft 365 admin portal.

  1. Visit the Admin Portal and sign in with your account.
  2. Go to Settings>Settings.
  3. Look for Microsoft Teams.
  4. Enable it for user types.
  5. Click Save.

Image credit: Microsoft.

2. Enable form authentication

If your company is using Active Directory Federated Servies (AD FS), and employees see error code 4c7, it points to a problem where their login information isn’t being authenticated. To fix it, enable form authentication from the AD FS management panel.

  1. Open the Active Directory Federated Services management panel.
  2. Select Authentication policies in the column on the left.
  3. In the Actions column on the right, click ‘Edit global primary authentication’.
  4. In the window that opens, go to the Primary tab.
  5. Under the ‘Intranet’ section, enable ‘Form Authentication’.
  6. Click Apply and have users restart Microsoft Teams.


The above two solutions are common ones that work to solve error code 4c7. With Active directory deployment, there are lots and lots of factors to consider when allowing users to sign into their account. The number of policies that have to be set for users alone can cause sign-in problems. If the above solutions don’t work, do a thorough audit of how users are allowed to sign in, how their credentials are authenticated, and which policies are set for which users. If a large group of users is experiencing the problem, a policy has likely been changed. If it’s a few random users, it’s possible their account/user status has been changed.

1 Comment

  1. And how do i open “Active Directory Federated Services management panel” in windows 7? This is standalone windows 7 machine, i run mmc and what snap in i add?

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