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Compare Up To 5 Smartphones Side-By-Side With Geekaphone

So, you want to buy a new smartphone? Of course you do (unless you already have the Galaxy S4, the HTC One, or the iPhone 5S). For most of us, smartphones are at the center of our lives, and we rely on them to stay in touch with others, browse the web, snap photos whenever and wherever we want, easily find our way around with GPS, manage tasks, and even get some work done. But we also know that good smartphones are expensive, so one should consider lots of things before deciding which one to buy. Remember the TabletRocket web service we covered back in August? For those who missed out on it, the service basically allows you to compare various popular tablets in order to make the best buying decision. Geekaphone is the smartphone equivalent of TabletRocket – to some extent. The web service allows you to compare up to 5 smartphones side by side, showing you the differences in their specs and physical design to help you choose the right one.


Geekaphone sports a dead simple interface. Its home page houses many popular smartphones that are currently rocking the market such as the Moto X, Nexus 4, iPhone 5S, Galaxy S4, Note 3, LG G2, Lumia 1020, Moto X, HTC One etc. All you have to do is click on any two devices for a specs showdown. You can also alternatively type the name of the phone in case it isn’t already shown on the home page. To do that, type your desire models in VS. fields and hit Compare.


Geekaphone then displays the specs of your selected devices including CPU clock speed, RAM, screen and battery size, internal storage capacity, and of course, images of both phones. You can scroll down this page to reveal further in-depth information about both phones, which includes detailed camera specs, video resolution capabilities, CPU architecture and so on. In addition, you can check out some related comparisons between other similar devices as well.

Geekaphone also allows you to add additional devices to your comparison list. You can from the additional devices displayed on the right, and the relevant results will be updated right away.


If your desired phone model isn’t among the options shown on the right side, you can use the search field above them for adding it manually. Geekaphone allows you to compare up to 5 smartphones in one go. Pretty impressive, isn’t it?

More Phones

All in all, it’s a great service for quickly comparing multiple smartphones. While it’s not as feature-rich as TabletRocket, it should work pretty well for most of us.

Visit Geekaphone


    • I’m glad that you love your phone and are extremely satisfied with it to the extent that you’d want to remain oblivious to every other option out there. Though there are many people who can use something like this in actually trying to determine which one suits them best. Hence the ‘spouting’.

  1. Interesting. I also like GSMARENA.COM for looking-up pretty much any phone. There’s also a companion GSM-Arena-provided Android app for it, as well as several third-party ones…

    …which brings us to at least one infirmity of Geekaphone: No companion Android app. That said, I just tested it, and it looks really nice in an Android browser… so an app isn’t really necessary.

    However, unlike GSM Arena, which can compare any two phones, someone must have already comparied the two phones one wishes compared on Geekaphone, else no comparison (other than tons of irrelevant ones) shows-up.

    So, geekaphone has some SERIOUS impediments. I think I’ll just stick with GSM Arena, if it’s all the same to whomever…

    …either that, or I’ll use…


    …where I can pretty much control what gets compared to what.

    Gregg L. DesElms
    Napa, California USA
    gregg at greggdeselms dot com

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