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How To Check If A Website Is Affected By CloudBleed

CloudBleed is a new vulnerability that effects CloudFlare. CloudFare is a content delivery network and security provided that is the backbone of some very large, big name websites. This new vulnerability has made it possible for sensitive information; passwords, encrypted keys, and more. A simple Google search will not bring up this leaked information. As with any security breach, the standard protocol is to change your password immediately. The leak has bee patched but it has affected quite a few websites. Cloudbleed Indicator is a Chrome extension that alerts you when you visit a website affected by the vulnerability of the same name. CloudBleed is a Firefox add-on and Chrome Extension that can search your history and your bookmarks for affected websites. Here’s how to check if a website is affected by CloudBleed.

Search History & Bookmarks

Install CloudBleed. The add-on adds a cloud icon next to the URL bar. Click it to open the add-ons settings panel. You can search your history for websites affected by CloudBleed. Likewise, you can run the same check on your bookmarks to see if you saved a link from an affected website.

You can narrow the search down to a specific number of days and you can search your history and bookmarks separately. Select how far back you want to search your history from the ‘Last’ field by entering the number of days. Click the search button and CloudBleed will give you a complete list of all affected websites that you have visited.

For bookmarks, there is no time filter. Click the search button and CloudBleed will scan all your bookmarked links. The search results will list bookmarks from affected websites.

Install CloudBleed From The Chrome Web Store

Install CloudBleed For Firefox

Check Live

The CloudBleed extension and add-on searches your browsing history and bookmarks. It doesn’t tell you when/if you visit an affected website. CloudBleed Indicator is a Chrome extension that can run a live check.  CloudBleed adds a cloud icon next to the URL bar.  The extension will run a live check; the cloud icon turns red if the website you’re visiting has been affected by CloudBleed.

CloudBleed Indicator is only available for Chrome at present. The developers are working on a Firefox add-on.

In the meantime, consider scanning your history and bookmarks at the very least if you use Firefox. If possible, switch temporarily to Chrome so you can check if a website is affected by CloudBleed when you visit it.

CloudFlare has claimed the data breach isn’t massive. The affected website were not in use and their traffic was low.

Install CloudBleed Indicator From The Chrome Web Store

1 Comment

  1. …”This new vulnerability has made it possible for sensitive information; passwords, encrypted keys, and more. “.. Made it possible for what exactly? Suggest you proof-read your articles before posting.

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