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How To Find Subtitles For A Media File

People watch movies with subtitles for a lot of reasons. The hearing impaired might use it to enjoy a movie with friends, they can help you learn a second language, or you can enjoy a movie that has poor sound or inaudible dialog over the explosions. There are no rules as to how you can use subtitles or when you might need them. The bottom line is, people use them for all sorts of things. Subtitles are normally included in a DVD or Blu-Ray. They are often in more than one language. Netflix itself has subtitles but not all media files do. It isn’t hard to find subtitles for a media file. Subtitles Space is a little web app that makes them even easier to find.

Online subtitle repositories have a lot of fake download buttons that are ads. Subtitles Space offers a clean UI and drag & drop. All you need to do to find subtitles for a media file is drag & drop your file on to the app. Drag & drop lets Subtitles Space read the name of the file. The file itself isn’t going to be uploaded  to the app.

Subtitles Space can search for subtitles in any language. There’s no guarantee that it will find them but it can look for them nonetheless.

Subtitles Space looks in multiple places for subtitles and often, it will return multiple files for a single media file. It’s no good at finding subtitles for anime series but it works well for movies.

You can drag & drop media files one after the other. Subtitle Space will keep adding the files to the current page. When you’re done, you can download all files from a single page. There’s no need to refresh a page search for subtitles for each file separately. The subtitles are in the standard SRT file format.

Subtitles Space works well for the most part but as mentioned before it isn’t great with Anime series. During tests, it failed to find English subtitles for two very popular Anime series that, even if you don’t like the genre, you’ve probably heard of.

Subtitles Space doesn’t look for subtitles on Open Subtitles. If it did, it would probably have better luck finding subtitles for anime. Open Subtitles has a much larger database of SRT files but the number of ads and pop ups on the website are quite annoying for the average user.

Subtitles Space has a much smaller database but it has the cleanest interface you can ever hope to find. That said, if you’re not looking for anything too obscure, you won’t have too many problems.

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