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How to change the audio device in Skype on Windows 10

You can connect multiple audio devices to a Windows 10 system. You don’t have to use them all at once but you can keep various devices connected to it and switch devices from the system tray per your need. The audio devices that you connect can be used with Skype. Skype doesn’t automatically change the audio device to whichever one you’re using on Windows 10. It sticks to the one that you were using when you started the call so if you want to change the audio device in Skype, you have to do so from the app’s settings.

Audio device in Skype

Make sure the device you want to use in Skype is connected to your system. It can be a wired or wireless device. To check if the device connected correctly, click the speaker icon in the System Tray and from the menu, make sure that the device is listed.

Next, open the Skype app and click the more options button at the top right of the left column. Select Settings from the menu.

On the Settings window, go to the Audio & Video tab and open the dropdown next to Microphone and select the audio device you want to use. Repeat this for the Speakers.

You will notice that the menu has an option called ‘Default communication device’. The Default communication device is set in the Windows sound settings. This allows you to set a specific audio device to always be used when you use apps like Skype. If you have a device that you prefer to always use with Skype, you should first set it as the default communication device and then select the option in Skype.

If you plan on using the same device with other apps, it’s a good idea to change the audio device in Skype instead of setting it to use the default communication device.

You can change the audio device in Skype mid-call. The app allows you to do that however, there’s no guarantee that the change won’t interrupt the call. Ideally, you should set the device before you make a call or, if you forget, you should end a call and then make the change.

If you want, you can also change the webcam that you use with Skype. Connect it and make sure your system can detect it. You can change it from the same Audio & Video tab. Open the dropdown next to Webcam and select the one you want to use. Again, you shouldn’t make the change during a call.

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